I see Spying on me.

Internal Movement

-> Latest Bitching and Complaining
Past Bitching and Complaining
Pix of me!
Some more pix of me!
Old Info
Interesting Comments from People
->Bitch me out here!

My other diaries!

-> My brain farts!
-> My Bitching!
-> My Terrorist Acts!
-> My Headfuck!
-> My Fantasies!

Free Pic of the Day

xmas - Sunday, Dec. 16, 2001
Fucking Psycho!!!!! - Tuesday, Dec. 04, 2001
these are days of yore..... - Saturday, Nov. 10, 2001
I nearly lost her. - Thursday, Nov. 08, 2001
Life sux! - Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2001
stress - Saturday, Oct. 20, 2001
Bif plug - Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001
teaching jay html - Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001
testing - Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001
I'm Fucked up! - Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2001
Life sucks! - 2001-10-08
You could cut the tension with a knife. - 2001-10-04
Whatever happened to fae rae? - 2001-10-03
I can smile again. - 2001-10-02
Pain - 2001-09-30
Ya right! like they fucking care! - 2001-09-29
Why me? - 2001-09-25
Close but no cigar... - 2001-09-23
Because I can - 2001-09-19
The last month - 2001-09-14
oddities - 2001-08-26
alone - 2001-08-26
That sucked. - 2001-08-26
A week of hell. - 2001-08-25
A boring existence - 2001-08-18
The revolving door. - 2001-08-18
The people under the hair! - 2001-08-17
in comes Baz - 2001-08-14
anger - 2001-08-13
twisted memory - 2001-08-12
oral flatulence - 2001-08-11
I give up - 2001-08-10
As the world explodes - 2001-08-09
Just messed up shiss - 2001-08-08
Heil Hitler! - 2001-08-07
Time Machine - 2001-08-06
It gets interesting - 2001-07-15
Threats - 2001-07-13
Threats - 2001-07-13
Catch up - 2001-07-12
enough - 2001-07-04
Mall tunes - 2001-06-29
"I'm leftovers" - 2001-06-28
Alters here, alters there....fucking alters everywhere - 2001-06-28
WWIII - 2001-06-27
Mexican fried antlers - 2001-06-25
Psychobabble - 2001-06-20
Alterification - 2001-06-19
weekend weirdness - 2001-06-18
They'r baaaaaaack! - 2001-06-12
Slaughter House - 2001-06-11
el coc loco bullshit - 2001-06-11
A lovely evening - 2001-06-08
Riz - 2001-06-09
The worst moment of my life. - 2001-06-08
K's surgery - 2001-06-08
Jays day - 2001-06-06
The End - 2001-06-05
Confusion - 2001-06-05
why? - 2001-06-04
lost inside - 2001-06-04
predictable - 2001-06-01

The latest
March-May 2001
June-Dec. 2001
Jan-Aug. 2002
Sept-Dec. 2002
Jan-Mar. 2003
Apr-May 2003
June-July 2003
Aug-Sept. 2003
Oct-Nov. 2003
Dec. 2003-Feb. 2004
March 2004-Apr. 2004
May 2004-Oct. 2004
Nov-Dec. 2004
Jan. 2005
Feb-Mar. 2005