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I nearly lost her.

Thursday, Nov. 08, 2001 - 12:54 PM

Tuesday was my worst nightmare.

I woke up, and Jay was coughing next to me. I got up, but strangely she remained in bed. Jay is the kinda person who is always on the go. Tuesday she wouldn't get out of bed.

I took her with me to pick my mom up from work. We went to the hospital to get her, and one of my moms friends took jays temp. She said she was normal. Jay just layed down in the staff room, and groaned. My mom drove us home when she was done work, and on the way I discussed going to a doctor with jay when her parents sent money on weds. We talked about it, and the possibility of finding a dr that won't charge us $100 to take her to. It costs alot when you are from out of the country.

When we got home Jay went straight to bed, and I started calling people. I found out that my family dr would see her for $25, and I had $35 in cash on me. I decided to take her in. This was at about 4:30pm. We went in, set up a chart, and she was looked at immediately. He looked at her throat and jumped a bit. He said she had a severe throat infection, and that he could see the pus. He prescribed her amoxil, and sent her home to rest.

She got home, took a pill, and got into bed, at about 5:00pm. Then it started........

At about 5:15pm she ran to the bathroom and threw up. When she was done we tried to figure out what triggered it. I asked her if she was allergic to penecillin....she said yes. I asked her why she didn't tell the dr when he asked her, and she said she wasn't thinking straight. So I ran out the door, and caught my dr before he went home for the day. The amoxil was destroyed, and she was given a different antibiotic. I told her about it, but she wasn't really with it. This is where I really start to worry.

No sooner was I sitting down, she was back in the bathroom. I figured the pill wasn't all out of her. But then she went again, and again. I started to get really scared...the pill would be long gone, and the flu wouldn't have her going this long. So, I called a health nurse. She asked me a bunch of questions, and told me I should take her into a hospital.

I freaked! I called my dad in a pannicked state, he said he was on his way. He needed to pay the hospital, because she had no coverage. Then I called my mom, who I had been updating regularily, she was on her way. Jay was slowly turning a greyish color before my eyes, and wouldn't stop her runs to the bathroom. I told jay to just hold on, my dad was coming for kristian and I., and my mom was coming for her. She just went back to the bathroom. I kept losing it, which set off my son, so I learned to swallow my fear pretty quick.

My mom arrived at about 7:30pm and grabbed Jay. No hesitating, she just grabbed her and took her. K and I had a lil freakout, then I got him showing me his video games. After about 5-10min my dad arrived. We quickly got ready and ran down to the van, off we went to the hospital. When we got there, she was almost finished setting up a chart, and my dad slapped down his VISA. Jay and my mom went and sat, I hovered around my dad, I couldn't sit still. My dad took me out for a walk around the parking lot. My MS was starting to act up from the stress, and I was really scared. We were only gone for a few minutes, but my dad has a way of calming me down. My mom stayed at Jays side.

After a while of waiting, and me bothering the nurses, Jay was called in. They sat her in a chair and told her a dr would see her soon. I freaked! I yelled at a few nurses, and Jay wandered off to the bathroom. When the doctor came from my yelling, and staring, Jay was in the bathroom. The second time the dr came Jay had been kicked out of one bathroom, and was on her way to the other bathroom. I told her to go, and told the dr that I could answer any Q's she had.

I then found out why they had her in a chair....some moron put her down as having a sore throat. I told her dr that she has a severe throat infection and had been vomitting for the last 3 hours. The dr immediately wrote a demand for a bed, and had her in one in less than 10min. It was a kids room, but who cares. It also had it's own bathroom in it, which she was straight into. I spoke very carefully with her dr about what had been going on, and she agreed with me, when I said this couldn't be flu, or the penecillin.

Somehow I managed to get her into a gown and into bed, then they plugged her with an IV, her veins collapsed of course. They tried to pull blood, but couldn't get any. So they started the saline, and gave her gravol.

In a few minuted the gravol kicked in a bit, and a lab tech came in to pull blood. He had to stick her in the arm 3x to get the blood. Then she was able to relax. The gravol didn't kill all of the nausea, so they stuck maxeran in her too.

Here's the thing they ran 3 blood tests, 2 urine tests, and a couple of throat swabs. By 1am we had answers. Jay was sleeping for almost 2 hours before we got the answers we needed. She has severe tonsilitis, that made her blood toxic, and they also found a bladder infection. I was told that if we hadn't taken her in, she wouldn't have lasted until morning. They pumped a bunch of antibiotics into her, and sent her home with some drugs and prescriptions. I finally had her home and in bed at 2am.

That night was my worst nightmare. I'm still having problems dealing with the fact that I almost lost her. She in a way is all I've got. When we got home, I asked her if the alters were ok, and she told me they were hiding. So I talked to them yesterday, and they are all relieved by her being ok now.

Hopefully I'll be able to deal with it all before my anxiety kills me.




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