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2001-08-11 - 7:46 a.m.

Yesterday was a good day. I hung out with Sai for most of the afternoon. He's cool. He has no threat, no attitude towards us, and hates the world just like me. It's really nice to have an alter around who is on the same level as me. He's a nut too. Gotta love that.

Jay doesn't really mind him hanging with me either. It seems that if they get along, she lets them come out alot. If they get demanding with her, she fights them off, and keeps them in. Just goes to show why they should be nice I guess.

We've had a few that get power hungry, and mean. But for the most part, I enjoy their company, and like talking to them for hours. Months ago Jay set a rule.....They can talk to me, but no one but her can sleep next to me. Thats her joy. I agree too.

I try to give the alters alot of hugs. Everyone needs a hug, and they are people too. Of course Sai was hovering around me alot yesterday. He couldn't get enough hugs out of me. The best part is I don't mind, cause Jay feels them too, and she needs just as many as them.

They say you need atleast 16 hugs a day to be truly happy. That less than that, and you will psychologically not be content or something like that. I think that since discovering the others, we are 100% ecstatic every minute, of every day. The greatest feeling in the world, is letting an alter feel their first hug. In a way it has made me appreciate what I have more.

A girl who loves me to depths no one could understand, and a community of others whom I love dearly, even when they are mean. After all, actions are one thing, but who the person is inside, is another.

Yup, they have me feeling pretty good right now.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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