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Sunday, Dec. 16, 2001 - 4:13 PM

Well, I passed it all....big happy for me. Now I am off until Jan.7..........thank goddess too! I need the break.

My apt is a mad house. I bought 3 xmas stockings for the alters who are here for xmas. I have filled the stockings, and have a pile of gifts under the tree for them. They are going nuts off of it. I told the 2 little ones that I have connections with santa, and that I was gonna talk to him about coming here aand dropping off a couple of things for them. Wow but did they get excited. They have never had a xmas, so I am giving them one thids year.

Some people might think I am stupid or insane for doing all of this stuff for alters, but I don't give a shit. I live with all of these kids and love them like they are my own. They are people too. Fuck anyone who thinks or says different. My son thinks it's great. He is excited for them. He has played with Dog a few times and loves her to death.

I signed papers making Dog mine. She won't be bouncing from family to family anymore, she is my daughter now. She has recently started school, and keeps getting A's. She has done alot of amazing pictures for me too. The latest one is of santa himself. I'm proud of her. She deserves to be happy for a change.

I know, you are scratching your head about now trying to figure all of this daughter thing out.....I'll explain. Even though Dog is part of Jay, and technically Jay in the past, she also lives her own life too. All of the alters live their own separate lives in Jays head. Then they come out and while they are out they live Jays. Kinda complicated, but once you have lived with it in person for a year, it all straightens out in your head, and it gets easy to understand, and tell apart.

I used to find reality a hard thing to grasp, but these kids are mine, as much as Jay is the love of my life. I have had several chances to make Jay whole, but I think I would miss them all too much if I did that. We are all a family, and I am happy with them all in my life. Even my son would miss them.

Well there you go, I went off on one. I told the kids that they get to open their stockings on xmas eve, then when we get home on xmas night, they can attack the gifts under the tree. They agreed. son is upset that he can't do the same, I told him he gets to open one gift on xmas eve, then he gets to open everything in the morning, but they don't. He figured his was a better deal.

So xmas night derek will open his because he is the youngest, then dog opens hers, then freak opens his. I am doing it youngest to oldest. Freak agrees, but I haven't talked to dog about it yet. I hope she will agree to having to wat for derek to finish his first. I guess we will soon see.




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