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Catch up

2001-07-12 - 12:26 p.m.

It's been ages since I last updated. I think about it alot, but once I am in here...I just can't be bothered.

Whats new? Lots!

ok, as you may have seen in last posts...I got fed up with alters. Pissed right off. Jonjo turned, and she was like my sister/best friend. That was the final straw. That hurt me alot, and I decided to end it all. A few alters from the past popped out to warn me of a few things, and a few just said hi. But all in all....they all went in, completely in.

Jonjo was the last to go in, she took forever.....basically 3 days. She kept starting to go in, then would pop back out. Always with the bullshit of "if you tell me you can handle her, I'll go in". That pissed me off. I told her over and over, but she just started using it as an excuse to stay out. In one final fit of violence, I held her down and screamed at her to go. She gave in, and Jay immediately started to get fucked up.

Now Jay will suddenly go quiet, and even shake. Her memories are coming now. Hard, fast, and in such detail that she can see it, feel it, and taste it all. She just looks at me with frightened eyes, and asks me if all that shit was her fault. It kills me.

I spend alot of time with her in my lap now. I sit down, and pull her into my lap and hold her. I pet her and let her know that they are just memories, and that no one will hurt her now, that I won't let them. After awhile she calms down a bit. I find at night, I am always holding her in bed.....that if she moves I wake up. I can't stop worrying about her. She says I make it a bit better. Atleast I can do that for her. In time the memories will stop coming, and all of them will fade. But until then, it's gonna be hard on both of us.

Now then. Flaggs called us on monday night. They took my bank info, and told us some interesting things. It seems this house deal has been taking so long, because Jays asshole parents have been lying to us, and pissing around. They told us that they paid the place off monthas ago.....Flaggs says last saturday it was paid. Those assholes have been taking their time.

But on a good note....the final sale date is July 20th, and the money will be direct deposited into my acct. The final sale price was �150,000. Flaggs takes 2% for their costs, so I figure (with the use of a calculator...I hate percentiles) With the exchange rate being what it is...we will probably end up with about $294,000 cdn.

So now we are looking for a house. Trying to find one near my sons school. Ya, there are alot of places for sale there...but most of them are shit. All I want is a little bi level with a nice yard...and not about $50,000 in repairs to do. God! I swear people don't take pride in their homes anymore.

Which brings me to a piss off. I missed the call from MCA last night. They called at 8:20pm. Jay said it probably wouldn't come until 11, I believed her and we went out. Then I came home to see the call was missed. That pissed me off. I'm waiting for them to try calling today. We figure they will at some point. When they do, I get to meet with them, and argue with them. Hammering out a contract is definately gonna be fun. We want it all!!!!! AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Nah, we just want enough to live on. Because Jays music sounds so mainstream, she'll wind up big though. We both know it.

As for me, I put the deposit down on my college program. Looks like I have a shitload of things to do before aug 1st. Great...thats all I need. But no biggie though, I'll get it done. Then I'm in school to learn how to fix my MS.

To sum it all up, we have been busy, and there is so much more to do. If Jay gets signed...I have to fly a bud of mine in from toronto, put together a band to back her, hire my brother to do CD artwork......and keep my mother from telling the entire world every single embarassing thing about the 2 of us.

This ought to be fun.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!