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2001-06-19 - 12:22 p.m.

Dexter is gone.......

45 year old male actually, even though he told me he was female. Abusive as hell, borderline psychotic. But still, no match for me. I made him scream like a woman.

He was forced to rejoin last night. He was fucking with Jay and I, and starting a bunch of bullshit. Not to mention fucking up Jays ankle by stomping on it. I didn't realize that he was the was he was......until I talked to Claire. Claire told me about all the shit Dexter had been upto, what his plans were, and she even gave me a lil background behind him. I had her warn Jay that possible injury was coming, and that I was going after him. She did.

I jumped Dexter as soon as he came out, and showed him that I was more psychotic than he could ever be. I threatened him, hurt him, and scared him. I even told him I was prepared to kill him. He saw it in my eyes and backed off. I sent him in after about 1 and a half hours of shit. He started to go in, and Jay came back out to me.

Then Dexter started to stomp on her ankle again, as he was going in. I asked her who was around....she said Jonjo was still in Hospital from giving birth, and Claire was being cornered by her dad again. So I asked where Zach was. She found her. I told her to get Zach to kick Dexter in the nuts as hard as she could. I could tell when she did, Jay went limp from relief. The pain stopped.

That was right after I updated, and before I went out lastnight. Today should be interesting too. Jonjo apparently has gone weird, is talking in riddles, and keeps going on about how all children are lil bastards. *grins* I remember how it feels to be a new mom.

I still need to talk to Claire too. I've decided that it is time for us to have her dad arrested for what he does to her. I'm sick of this shit, and she just wants it to end. Time to kick ass.

As for Zach.....well, I should talk to her too, see how school is going, and if they are still picking on her.

All this to do, and I still need to study for a final exam tomorrow. YAY!

I'm off




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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