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As the world explodes

2001-08-09 - 12:35 p.m.

Well, I never got to speak to the 11 year old. Oh nooooo.......I had WW3 explode in my face.

Hitler decided to go to a pub near here. She was looking for an ex of mine. Might I note at this point in time, I thought it was Jay going for a walk. Well, Hitler found this ex, and jumped him. An hour and a half later, she showed up at home. I was freaking out, I was told "see you in 5 or 10 minutes" and an hour and a half went by. I thought they were dead or something.

Nope, not dead. Met up with the ex, when the fight stopped, he started talking to her about me. Lied alot about our past. Apparently I am cold and unfeeling. It's odd how I can be that way, yet help Jay at the same time. He went on about how he is rich now, and it all could have been mine.(not quite, he was too busy spending it all on himself, and getting mad at me if I asked to BORROW $5).

At any rate. Hitler came home saying they pinned her (Jay) and were harrassing her. I jumped up, and said "fuck this, he won't leave me alone, we are going to the police. I'm sick of this". I in turn got a bunch of sum it all up..a fight broke out, I got pissed off, and said fuck it and went home. All the way home I was screamed at (walking down the street) then finally I said "you know what? I'm sick of this shit, fuck off. I don't want this anymore". I went home and got into a bath.

Thats when I realized it wasn't Jay, that I had fallen for shit again (I hate that). I thought it was Jay, but it wasn't, the police bit, and the stalling made me wonder, but I just shrugged it off. I knew it was hitler when she kicked open the bathroom door and said "well, I thought you knew all about us. If you are so smart, you would have figured it out in 10 min. Jay has been in for the last 4 hours. You broke up with her, and she doesn't even know.". I attempted to ignore this all, I just kept reading my book. Then I hear "well, now that you broke up with her, I'm going to kill her, and it's your fault."

She ran downstairs after wrapping a chain around her neck, then ran upstairs yelling, and went to turn on my comp. I casually got out of the bath, and went and shut down the comp. Then I went back into the bathroom, and shut the door. I swished the water in the tub to make it sound like I went back in. She was outside the door yelling at me, and I was standing at the door inside ready for her.

Things went quiet for a moment, so I came out and went hunting for her. I found her hiding in a storage room. I bounced her off a wall, then held her upto it, and told her that if she wanted to die, I would help her. To make a long story short......she cried, and told me why all of this shit happened in the first place. Then after alot of threatening on my part, I got Jay back, and Hitler went in, then rejoined. Jay stood there lost, trying to figure out why there was a chain around her neck, and why I was shaking like a leaf. I sat back in my bath, and had a good cry. Jay sat down with me, and I let her know what went on. Then she told me what the ex had said about me. God does he lie.

Here's the thing......

Everything that happened last night, happened because of one thing. I was talking via email to another multiple. Hitler (being only 8) thought that because I was talking to another multiple about the problems that we sometimes have with out spouses (she is a mpd with a mpd) that I wouldn't have time for them anymore.

I told hitler that they have always been, and will always be my number one priority. That just because I was talking to another, didn't mean I was going to try to help them too. She stated that me talking to another one, is just as bad as if they were seeing a real therapist. When I explained that we were just talking about some of the problems that we have had in the past, and that we were finally content with how things were going, she relaxed. I made sure she knew that the only person I will ever help (especially after all I have been through in the last year) is Jay, she apologized.

Hitler is gone now, felix is long gone, I never got to meet the 11 yr old, she went in too. Now all we have is Jo Jo. A 5 yr old boy. Jay says he doesn't say much, he just sits there and sighs alot. He'll be my next worry. After all, I am the only one who really cares about them.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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