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Mexican fried antlers

2001-06-25 - 10:03 p.m.

I thought the Midget was bad.....Now I have to deal with a raping mexican coke addict. How the hell she creates these fucked up alters, I have no idea.

Oh ya....JC is back. You may remember me speaking of her. Last time she was around she fucked Jay and I over, then attacked this other girl and made her think Jay wanted her. I'm watching her, and trying to keep her under control. I have no idea how long that will last though. JC tends to get a lil power hungry, then takes over everything and everyone. Hopefully this time will be different. I know she showed up and got rid of Nell just as he was starting to cause shit.

I swear, just as you think things are slowing down, they jump again. We are sitting at 5 alters right now. there are 3 that are old friends, and 2 I have yet to meet. I will be meeting the lil Mexican rapist tonight. If he has no valid reason for being here, then he is going in. I am tired of him stirring everyone up by trying to touch claire. Poor Jay, just imagine listening to attempted rapes in your head. Talk about bad shit.

Got my test results, and final mark for my Physiology course today. I passed with a C-. Not bad for a person who hadn't been in school for 8 years if you ask me. we did a months worth of work every week. Condensed courses suck. Now my dad is walking on air, and is bragging. It's nice to finally give him something to brag about. Now it looks as if I will be in College full time this fall. That feels so weird to me.

I feel like shit today. The MS is really bad. Sometimes I feel like I am almost normal, then my body crashes again. I feel feverish and bloated. I hate this. I wish I could just have one day of feeling good. It never happens. I have felt shitty since about Nov.2000. There is just no relief. Everyday is the same as the last. I feel ill. I'm sick of it. I have to admit it though, I really wish for death alot. Not because I want to die, Jay does make life worth living. But I am so tired of feeling like shit, I just want it to stop. Oh well. Life sucks....maybe I'll get hit by a car tomorrow. Who knows.

I'm off to feel shitty.




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