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The worst moment of my life.

2001-06-08 - 6:45 p.m.

Yes, it was the worst moment of my life.

At first, I got to wait an extra hour for them to take him in. Then I got to stand there and watch them put him under. Watch my son start to cry and thrash because he felt the anaesthetic start to kick in. Then watch him go limp.

I thought that was bad......

about 40 min later I was called into a back room. They sat me down in a rocking chair, then put my screaming son in my lap. He was just starting to come out, didn't understand what was going on, didn't know where we were, and his mouth was frozen, so he thought it was pain. He thrashed around, didn't even hear me say his name, He was like a wild animal. Screaming, and screaming. Nothing I said went through to him. It was like I didn't exist. Then I'm asked if I'm ok. I say no. And I get this stupid fucking bitch asking me if I'm in pain. "is it your back?" "no" "then what is it then? do you have back problems?" I got pissed. "This fucking upsets me ok?! I'm sorry! I just happen to give a shit about my son!".

I was mad. I kept almost falling apart. He was screaming like I have never heard before. As if he was in utter terror. Nothing I said got through to him. Then he finally opened his eyes. The only time he paused in his screaming, was moments before his eyes opened. I said "satan, I got ya buddy" He paused for about a second, then screamed and grabbed me. Then he was awake.

Thrusting his hands into his mouth, screaming that it hurts, and begging for it to stop. "mommy! I just can't take it anymore!" I died inside. He thrashed around on my lap. One moment clinging to me, the next moment kicking, and punching the chair.

He's only 5. All he knows of freezing, is cold. When a child gets their mouth frozen, they don't understand, and see it as pain. He saw it as pain. He tried to get rid of the feeling by drinking pop. He asked for water, but was offered pop, and thought that was a great idea. Then he wanted something cold to make him feel better. He was given a cold cloth to chew on. He cried constantly....nothing helped. Then it was time to go......but my dad was late returning. 30 min late in the end. There we were, in the lobby of a proffesional bldg, my son screaming bloody murder, and pounding his fists because it hurt, and no ride home. Then he started to beg me..."I just wanna go home" but still no dad. By the time he showed, my son had eaten a whole popsicle and was still crying. We got into my dads truck, and he cried all the way home, pausing only when we got his mind off the feeling. He finally stopped crying after we got home, and I got him on his bed, and was hooking up the N64 in his room. Finally he was fine and happy. No more tears from my sir burpalot.

About an hour and a half after we got home he was all pissed off at me, he wanted fries and hotdogs. I said no, because he was supposed to eat light until we got him back to eating normally. So I made a deal.....If he ate chicken noodle soup, then later on a few zoodles, then later tonight he could try eating a few fries. Well......2 big bowls of soup went in him, 2 hours later he wanted zoodles, and ate half a can of them, then downed 2 handfuls of fries. Needless to say, he is back to his normal self, and I can relax. I feel like crying from relief that all of it is over.

But that wasn't the only problem today......

When I came home, I found Jay laying on her face on my bed. I had set up the N64, then went to see what was happenong with her. She had been having seizures.

It seems there is another alter, a female one, and this alter had taken almost my entire bottle of tylenol. A full bottle of 100 extra strength down to about 10. I roused jay, got her up. Found out that they were taken by this alter about 3-4 hours earlier. She was very out of it. Groggy as hell, and sluggish. I got her up and moving....threatened her just to get her to do so. She eventually came to. Now she is fine, but tonight I'm having a chat with her, then I am meeting the new alter for the first time.

I'll update after I meet her.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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