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el coc loco bullshit

2001-06-11 - 1:52 p.m.


My day starts with a nasty fucking guestbook entry from some bitch who has been obsessed with me and jay for the last year. My face is swelling from a bacterial infection, and I had the joy of writing a test today on the respiratory and renal systems.

First of all....the nasty entry was about me supposedly signing hers under diff names. Now lets sort this out shall we?

1) I have a life, and no need to do this childish bullshit....I would rather spend those moments studying. Thats more interesting.

2) If I was gonna slag someone off in a guestbook, I sure as hell would do it without hiding. I have no fucking fear of anyone or anything. I laugh off criticism, and happily dish it out....which brings me to....

3) get a life bitch. You have no friends, only acquaintences. Why? because everyone is sick of how selfish and seld centered you are. Buddy probably wants to die because he looked at you.

Just because you are bored, doesn't mean you have the right to attack me for entertainment purposes. All that has proven is your immaturity, and lack of self esteem. I have no room for you in my life, nor do I have a wish to have you in it at all. THE END!

Now then, onto something more important......I haven't updated lately due to studying my ass off all weekend. I'm hoping I can actually pull off passing this course. So far it looks like I need about a 65% on my final to pull it off. There goes my life again. Back to the books.

Here is my stupidity of the week.... sunday morning, I got home from work and was annoyed by a zit behind the left bead of my bridge piercing. I decide to pick at it. I take the barbell out and manage to kill it. Then I go to bed. That was at about 8am. Now is the fun part....

I got up at about 3:30pm. My nose, and around my left eye, is so swollen, I freak. I call my mom, and off to the dr. I go. When I squeezed the zit, it popped inside, and spread the infection. yay! So now I am on antibiotics, and they have warned me that these ones will probably make me get the hershey squirts. Hmmmm....which is better? Having my face turn into the elephant man, or shit through the eye of a needle. All I could say was "it figures".

Now to top it all off, I freak, and study like a mad woman all weekend. I get to class today, do the test with minimal problems, but then realize I am ahead of the class in the renal system. I got all fucking stressed last night, and all stressed this morning, just to find out that I am ahead. Yet another "it figures". I thought I was fucked because I had missed 2 days last week, and didn't know where we were. Now I know.

Atleast things with jay have cooled down. Riz went. She pissed us both off, so jay rid of her. Now we have zack. a lil 13 yr old female. Shes a cutie. lil miss fix it. She just fixes things in jay, and between us. I really like her. It's about time we had a real good one, not an older cunt.

Thats enough jabbering for now.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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