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Alters here, alters there....fucking alters everywhere

2001-06-28 - 12:51 p.m.


God, I really need to start getting motivated earlier than noon. Oh school, no work...fuck it!

I sat down with Jonjo last night. We did up a list of alters. It was weird remembering alot of them. All in all, I figure I have talked to about 30 of them.

We wrote down everyone we could remember, and then dug through diary entries, and another old list I had done with Horace. From what I knew of, Jay has gone through 65-75 minor alters. These being fragments of other alters...basically nameless splinters. They don't talk. They just show up with whatever alter they are from, and usually rejoin within a day.

When I say "come out" I mean come out of hiding. Alters hide in the recesses of the mind. They just sit off in a corner and watch. When things get to be just right for them, they decide to step forward and say "HI".

Once we had finished the list of names, I counted them. We are sitting at 76 alters that are major oned. Those being alters with names. out of those 76, 2 remain. Lets just say, it's been a busy year. and what a year at that. I tell ya, there is no way in hell I could ever go back to a normal relationship. It would be so boring. How can people only have one person to talk to?

I'll do the normal thing eventually, but it will be with Jay. I don't think I could ever do it with someone else. They just wouldn't understand. It's just like who would ever understand when Jay suddenly blurts out something like "ya well you know what I think". I say reply to that what is always "oh sorry, I wasn't talking to you". Or I will ask her a question, and get no reply. When I ask her again she gets mad and says "I told you!". Then I have to remind her to talk to me out loud cause I can't read her mind.

It took awhile, but now I am shown somewhat respect by alters. They don't trash my place or destroy my stuff. They tend to try to keep things calm and nice. Things being where they are now, I wonder if this is the end? Jonjo was last, then Jim showed up and said she was here to take Jonjo in when it was time for her to rejoin. It's kinda sad for me. I do get attached to the odd alter, and Jonjo was the first one that I cried over. I guess we just became good friends. I kinda see her as a sister. Goddess knows what I will do without her....but as they all say "You have Jay". And that I do. No matter what happens, I wouldn't give her up for the world.

Well there you go. between 141-151 alters in one year.

I'm gonna miss it when it's over.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

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