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They'r baaaaaaack!

2001-06-12 - 9:19 p.m.

So there I was, washing dishes, when Jay says...."something weird is going on.....I see fighting, and people." I asked her where from, and she said in her head. So I asked her if it was like when she sees the alters, and she said "Yeah". So I told her to shout and try to get someones attention, and she did, but no one answered her. Then she tried to get ahold of zach, but even she was silent. I told her then, to shout to get someones attention, and to see who would talk to me.......zach did.

It seems alters from the past, who we thought had gone in, held on at the last minute, and stopped the rejoining process. They just slipped into hiding, in their faded state. The shit her mom has been pulling lately triggered them coming out of hiding. Kevin, Jonjo, Claire, and Larry were there. Larry I could understand though...we put him in a group home, and left him to go in. I never thought to check to see if he did. I just assumed that after Jay couldn't find him, that he had gone in.

In a few minutes I am going to sit down with Jonjo, then Claire. 2 of the original alters I had met. I have never seen them in person, so I am kinda excited about it. They were 2 of my faves. I cried so hard when Jonjo went. And Claire...well, she is the sweetest in the world. 8 years old, and a lil angel. They are saying that they need to talk to me. It seems since going in, they have come across some info that is imperative for me to know.

I can't wait! I love those 2 to bits.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!