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~Here comes a kid in desperate need of TLC!~

Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002 - 1:14 AM

Another day......another update.

I just met twiglet for the first time. This one is gonna be rough. I did something as simple as kissing him on the cheek, and he pushed me away, then ran away from me and hid.

He is a year old, and from what the kids have been telling me, he is scared to death of everything. All he has done since coming out is scream and cry. The kids have taken to singing to him to calm him down. They say he needs me, and I have to agree. I spoke to Jay about him earlier, and she said that he is the worst kid yet. He is so abused that all he can do is cry, and scream in pain.....when I first met him, he was sitting on the floor in the storage room. He thought I was going to hurt him when I peeked in. I moved something of Jays, and he freaked out. He ran over and put it back exactly as it was.....he was scared that someone was going to get mad. Then he accidently messed up Jays nails, and he got upset because he was scared she was going to get mad too.

Okay......I just got back from cleaning up a puddle of black nail polish. The poor little guy accidently spilled it, and freaked out. So I cleaned it up, then cleaned him up. I told him no one would ever know....that it was all fixed now. He is officially glued to my side now.

Hopefully tonight I will be able to calm him down, and show him a little love. He said he was beaten for wetting himself. I said it was just an accident. He said no it wasn't, cuz he's not allowed to do that. So I told him that here he is allowed to. Accidents are just that...accidents.

I first heard of him about 4 days ago....tonight is gonna be a rough night for me. I hope I can make this little guy feel a bit better.

After all....thats what I am here for.

And now for something disturbing.

I got a call from the local nosey neighbour. She told me that Sarah was arrested last night. She called a friend up to take her daughter for a bit, as she said that megan was driving her nuts. Well, the neighbour picked megan up, and saw that she had a black eye. She asked sarah about it, and was told that megan fell down the stairs. She took megan home with her. Staying with her right now, is Megans father. He took one look at his daughter and freaked. He took her to a doctor, and said he was told she fell down the stairs. The doctor told him that there was no way that kid fell. She had too many bruises, in too many places. Then he showed her dad a bruise in the shape of a hand print on her back. The police were contacted. She was talked to by the police, and they were told by her that "mummy hit me with her hand, and daddys belt". Sarah was arrested while Jay and I were watching t.v. We never noticed it. She was bailed out by her mom this morning, and Megan is in a foster home as we speak. I'm hoping this woman does time for this shit. When she was arrested, she was high as a kite.

Please! Cross your fingers with me. The child beaten was only 2 years old! She needs to rot in a cell for that shit. The bitch can go through withdrawl behind bars!

I can't believe that shit. That makes me sick.

I'm gonna get ready for bed so that Twigs and I can cuddle. I already got him laughing....lets see if I can make anything better for him tonight.




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The current mood of at

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