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~The Burger King story!~

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002 - 3:12 AM

Ya ...ok. Here we go....this is gonna be a quickie!

If you take a look at my Byrd's diary, you will see a comment on Geoff having someone do the limbo. Well, it's true. He showed up again for a visit, and we ran off to Burger King to grab some chow, and bring it home. When we were there he ordered, then had to go off to the side for an interac machine that worked. He overheard a comment in the back, and started screaming "SEXUAL HARASSMENT! THATS SEXUAL HARASSMENT! SHEESH PEOPLE!" I lost it at this point, I started laughing my ass off. The girl at the counter was trying to take my order, and Geoff was yelling at buddy in the back, and trying to get him to do the limbo with his broom. He wouldn't let up. So buddy finally came out, and Geoff held the broom, while buddy did the limbo under it. Of course....geoff being geoff..the lower buddy went, the lower the broom buddy landed on his ass on the floor, and we all burst out laughing. Leading upto this, geoff ran off in the BK, and came up behind me and put a BK crown on my head. Then he started to giggle at it. I made sure it was firmly in place, and curtsied to him. Then while he was doing the limbo thing, I was digging through some $0.99 toys that were in a box on the counter. After buddy hit the floor, and went into the back again, geoff ran off, then came back, and tied a bib around my neck.The chick came upto me, and told me that the backstreet boys videos were only $0.99 too. I looked at the vid she had handed me, and I looked at her like I was scared. She said "I know that by the way you look, it might not be exactly what you are into." I blinked at her for that, then screamed out "WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU TAKE ME FOR? HOW COULD YOU EVEN FOR A MINUTE SUGGEST SUCH A THING TO ME? THATS JUST PLAIN EVIL! HOW DARE YOU EVEN INSINUATE THAT I WOULD LIKE THEM! AHHHHHH! EWWWWWW!" She just sort of laughed, then our food was ready. The manager then came out, and lost it in laughter. The girl asked her if she saw the limbo, and she pointed at me and was me she was laughing at. I thought I looked goo with my Crown, and bib thank you. So we left at that point, and as we were driving away, she waved out the drive thru window at us, to Geoff leaned on his horn in reply. We laughed all the way back, and until geoff went home. I'm still laughing.

Fuck that was great!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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