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climbing a branch

Saturday, Apr. 27, 2002 - 1:27 AM

Well, I did it. I just hope it all works out for the best. I sent a letter to Jays birth mother. I told her that no matter what she has done in her past, she doesn't need to continue with it, or dwell on it. I know this woman has issues. I know deep inside she probably feels guilt for giving up Jay.

Jay met her for the first time last Sept. This woman was ok for a while, then she went all fucked up. I sent the letter I wrote to a psychiatric hospital in Ireland. Thats where she is right now.

I told her that she was the only one who I considered to be Jays mom. I told her that those baby raping assholes who adopted Jay, fucked everything up for her, and kept her from seeing her daughter become someone. I also told her that it wasn't too late for her to have a relationship with her daughter.

I'm hoping this goes well. Jay has had enough shit in her life uptil now. I am really worried that I might have fucked up by approaching Jays mom. The alters say it is a good thing, but her mom is fucked in the head. What if things suddenly explode again?

I suppose time will tell.

Just on an aside......

Jay went at me with a baseball bat the other day. I am less than impressed. I have walls full of holes, and a bedroom door that nearly had a hole knocked right through it. This does not make me happy at all. Everyday that I walk through these walls, I am reminded. Jay is to take responsibility for her actions, and is going to fix the holes in the walls. She has also been given 30 days to straighten out. I am sick of the fact that my apartment looks like fucking indians live here. If after 30 days, Jay still pulls this bullshit, then she is getting sent back to the UK a single woman.





~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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