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~Sucky weather~

Thursday, May. 08, 2003 - 8:03 AM

Welcome to Edmonton, our weather SUCKS!

So I take satan to school, no prob right? We walk out of the building, ok it's raining. Ummm, it isn't, but it is. Try rain, and ice crystals pe;ting you in the side of the head. yay.

I'm worried about my byrd. I haven't heard from her yet, except for an email that said she was off to surgery. She is getting corrective eye surgery you see, for a slightly lazy eye. I don't see it, and no one else in canada seem to either. But she grew up in England. Both of her eyes were slightly lazy, and in 2001? I think it was 2001?? At any rate she got one fixed, today the other is getting fixed. All her life she has been rideculed for her eyes, and it was used against her, her entire life, by her dad. All he ever did was call her ugly. Her comong to Canada showed her that it didn't matter, because no one here ever insulted her about it. Here you just get "freak" screamed at you by pussies in cars, as they speed by.

In the time Jay has been coming to canada I have watched her grow so much. She came to me scared of everything, unable to eat anything but wavy lays, and sleeping fully dressed. She was always covered during sex, and would get dressed after. She would talk to no one, and have an anxiety attack at the thought of it. Her OCD would rage over anything at all. The alters ran wild too. She was a mess. She had only accepted being female a few months before she came here, and still had a hard time with me saying it was ok. She fought with her decision that may to not go to her schedules GRS. Luckily she had opted to start hormone therapy after the surgery. Basically she came her a scared 13 yr old boy. Since then, I have seen her blossom into a most amazing person. Did you know your physical development can be stopped by your mind? It can. She had the shape of a guy when she came here. (no offense babes) Since coming here the first time, she has completely filled out like a woman, I had her in a skirt, heels, and makeup for my brothers wedding.....6 months after she first came. She eats everything in site. She's even chubby now. When she first came she was 97lbs, and a year out of detox. I'll have to scan pix. It just doesn't look like her at all. I think I will show the comparison in my next entry. I'll upload our redman pix.(yes pix with santa. lol)

My girl has grown in every way, She was unable to do anything for herself as her mom was overcompensating for what was being done to her, by doing everything for her. I taught her to wash clothes, cook, and basically live like a normal person. Just like I am teaching the kids how to just be kids. There is no need for pain when you are little. But there is a need for fun and laughter.

I helped her build her self esteem. Now rather than walking with her head down, her head stays up, and she tells ppl to "fuck off" to their faces. She is no longer a victim of her past, or those in it. Even her ex's had her fucked. I'm still paying for that sometimes. She still thinks I am gonna up and leave. How can I? I can barely walk as it is! lol

With all that being said, she has come into her own, and become almost as normal as the rest of us. (normal??) But still, her past haunts her when she looks in the mirror. Hell, I'll do her hair, and I have to fight with her to look in the mirror. She will glance like a snap of a finger and say "it's fine" then run away. Why? Because of her slight lazy eye. It isn't all that noticable. But she was taught that it made her ugly. It was drilled in her head by that fucking baby raper. So that has been holding her back.Fuck man, we will look at pix I'll say "I like this one of us", she says "I don't, you can see my eye." *sigh*

So back in october she made an appt. And today she went in. They are going to strengthen the eye muscle so it straightens out. She is the artist. She is entitled to get what she wants. Either way I will still love her for who she is. But as I told her on the phone last night. "No cutting off arms because I don't do stumps".

And to think, now she wants laser surgery to straighten her teeth, and then to get them shaped and capped. She's my little punk supermodel. LOL

She even spoke of implants a few times. Ah's her choice I guess. I figure if she wants her tits bigger, then I will just fatten her up more. lol Fuck surgery man.....but if she ever decided on it, I would support her. Whatever makes her happy, is fine with me. Because when she is happy, there is nothing in the world that compares to that smile. Except maybe my sons. *wink*

Yup, she rocks.

I just hope she is ok.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!