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~WARNING! The following entry contains racial slurs that are not necessarily the opinion of Management....but nonetheless, they suit the purpose of offending the trash they were sent to. Thanks, Management~

Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 - 11:34 PM

In response to an email sent to Jenn (multiple) I got a little bit mad. So, I chose to insult the pansy ass faggot who sent the email by saying thus..........


Well well well,

Are we the intelligent one. So tell me you fucking nigger......whats this about ethnic cleansing? Do you know what that means? I didn't appreciate your comments to someone that I consider to be a friend of mine. Online or not, she is a friend.

Lets break this down shall we? You half breed nasty fucking wanna be nazi piece of shit! Who the fuck are you to pass judgement on anyone, when you have just proven yourself to be nothing but a fucking Jewboy Nigger lover yourself. Get your lips off of mommy's tits and go to school white trash. Illiterate fuckwads like you need to be shot.

I can think of half a dozen real fucking skins who would love your ass. Ever been a dog? You deserve to be. I am 100% aryan, I have a 100% aryan son, and I was raised by a redneck. You wanna play little one? I'll fucking play with your ass. I'll grab a few niggers off the street, and see what kind of fun they can have with sodomy. Ever lusted after a nigger boy? Your ass apparently has.

I recomend that you keep your mouth shut before you get yourself hurt. You say that you hope she never has kids....hmmm....this coming out of you inbred fucking gob. So Jr, hows your dad...or is that your brother? Oh's both. I'm sorry I be a town whore......she dun like her boys now don't she.

Shut the fuck up asshole. It's disgusting pieces of shit like you that create MPD. Let me teach you about it. Only about 5% of thos with MPD fully integrate, and become whole. Those with MPD dp not choose to have it, they get it from abuse from sick fucks like you. If you had ever picked up a book you might actually see this. Ever read a book? Do you know what one is? For an MPD to actually be content with it is is almost as hard to live with as the abuse that created it. She isn't flaunting it, she is dealing with living with it. But of course backwoods white trash like you wouldn't know ain't just guns, and trucks.

She is allowed to be happy, and damn well deserves to be. You have no idea what a hard life is. To her, your life is easy as taking a shit...hence your personality. I would love to see you in a room with me, and her alters.......I bet you I could do more damage to your nigger ass, than her punishers could. I'll put a fucking bullet in you. You make me fucking sick.

You want ethnic cleansing? Shit like you should be first. She's a survivor...your a fucking pussy.

Go suck daddy off, you inbred piece of shit. Ooops...I forgot, your whore of a mother never told you which brother was your dad.




Thus concludes my racist tangent of the day. Now back to your regular scheduled Liz.




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