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~Swapping, dad, and mom....not literally.....just the subjects~

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003 - 2:00 AM

No, I haven't been updating. I haven't really wanted to talk.

I'm kinda hiding in my own mental world right now. I have alot of things eating away at me. dad. Nothing out of the ordinary really. I am stressing over his incessant I love yous, and his need to be nice. It's like he has suddenly decided to try to be understanding, and BOOM....he is my dad again. Ya ok.

So now I have the stress of an email from him tonight that informed me he was going to come here friday morning. Some people may see that as being no big deal, but to me it is. I haven't seen him since Aug.2002. He wrote me a letter telling me everything that was wrong with me, that I needed to get rid of Jay, and that I was faking my MS. That letter came at the beginning of Sept.2002. He sent it as he was leaving town to go on vacation. Ya, thanks dad. Now he is being all buddy buddy. Head fuck much? Yes, have some.

On a cool note, I got my first item from Swappingtons in the mail today. That was.....dare I say it? Nifty! We basically should be recieving an item or two a day from now on. I have 10 more coming to me, and Jay has like 8 or something. Needless to say, we have sent off alot of shit in the last week. A stupid bitch tried to screw me out of money by charging me for intl post, instead of US post. I flaked, and got like $11.40 back. was alot. It actually cost me $9.90, and they charged me over $21 to send it. When I got home I saw the mistake, and flaked. Needless to say, I had things sorted 5 min after I got back there.

Then I saw a guy with a hawk in a music store, and went it to ask about layaway on a bass. Buddy not only offered me a deal on a bass, but he took my number to contact me on a favor he was gonna do for me. The drum lessons in there are booked solid. Satan wants to learn, my dad wants to pay. So, buddy is gonna talk to the instructor and try to arrange lessons for him. Sometimes it pays to be a freak. Other freaks give you deals. I gave him pointers on gaining connections for his band, and what he needed on a demo, and he is giving me deals. It's alll good. I just have to take Jay down there so I can show her the $600 bass I want to buy her. I want her approval.

Other than that. Satan is being good, and we are having fun with him. My mom is shitting herself over her latest union news. It seems she is going to get a raise of $1.34/hr. Then in april she gets another 50 cents. Because they have been without a contract for almost a year, they will be getting retro pay. That works out to just about $2000 for my mom in one shot. And the raise after april will have her making about $200 more per month. She basically just had her financial woes fixed by her union. That fucking rocks! I am so happy for her. She is well beyond happy right now. The union votes for the contract on thursday, I hope the final vote is a yes......if it is, my mom is set. One less worry for me. I am way too overprotective of her.

Other than brother is taking Satan overnight on friday. Thats too cool. Satan loves my bro and his wife. It will be good for the 3 of them. I just feel sorry for their 2 cats. After all, he was nicknamed Satan for a reason you know.

Well, fuck it! I am gonna sort some online shit out for Jay, then go to bed.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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The current mood of at

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