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Sunday, Sept. 01, 2002 - 3:24 PM

Well, there ya go. Just when you think life is at it's most amusing point, it takes a turn.

Sparky has now offered me a job. He wants me to be a scout for him. Ummm, lets see.....could I handle getting paid to listen to bands play while I sip coke, and relax. Geez, I just don't know. lol

Oh no, I could never do that....never in a million years. Thats just my ideal job, in my ideal environment. As I have said before, music is my life. I can pick apart almost anyone. Yet at the same time, I can also hear potential, and know what they need to reach their top form. I blame it all on my dad. He is very opinionated when it comes to what he listens to. I mean, when Jay and I would go to his place, he would sit us down and make us watch vids of all the latest blues artists he recorded. If he ever speaks to me again, I want to take him to Blues on Whyte so he can really have an experience. Needless to say, from having my dad blast Bethoven's 9th at concert level, to having him take me to see Procol Harum with the ESO (edmonton symphony orchestra) I have been raised with a wide range of music going through my head. I was born to be a scout, and damn straight is it my lifes dream.

I used to want to be in the spotlight, and then I was put into a situation where I started learning about the biz, and I realized that the spotlight wasn't for me, I refer to be behind the scenes. I personally would rather manage, and scout. It's alot less hassle. Well, for me anyway. I'm hoping Sparky comes through for me on this one.

Other than that, I have been looking into forensic anthropology. I am humming and hawing over going to the UofA. I dunno though. Forensics is something that I have forever been fascinated by, the only problem is trying to get into the program. Once I actually have some money to play with, I want to take a blood splatter course. I think it would be absolutely amazing to do. The course is meant for RCMP but I figure with a big enough contribution, I might just get myself in there.

So from music to death I have covered it all. 2 nights ago I started writing again. I need a copy of Gray's Anatomy though. I am writing a story about a serial killer. The story is through his eyes. The character is a pathology student dropout. So I need to be able to quote specific medical terms, and proper anatomical descriptions. It sounds harder than it really is. When you grow up with a mom who works in a hospital, you pick things up. It's kinda like filling in the blanks. I figure it will take me a couple of years to finish this story. I originally started writing it in 1998 for my mom. It was going to be a short story. I just found the disk it was on. I had hit writers block twice with it. Both times it sat for almost 2 years. Now it is coming at me faster than I can type. It's strange how my thoughts do that to me. I have a feeling this story is going to turn into a book before long. It would figure too, all I was doing was a short story for my would have to grow now wouldn't it.

I really hope Sparky comes through with this job offer, I want to start right now. This is the type of job I can really get into. It would also be an instant career which is what I would like to have before I hit 27. I guess I just have to wait and see.

oh well




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