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~Too pooped to pop!~

Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 - 2:17 AM


Fuck am I wasted. I's gonna go pass out in a few, but I just wanted to say a few things.

First off J.C. and Jonjo have a diary now. I only found out a few hours ago that the kids have latched themselves onto Jonjo, and J,C, and won't let them leave the house. J.C. said that the kids said something about older people to protect them. Jay said that the kids were using them as human playgrounds. So, the 2 shitheads are around again.......not that I am complaining. J.C. was always my best friend, and Jonjo was always like a sister to me. I'm glad they are around. I did miss the hell out of them.

I found out that the new little guy called Tracks, is now nicknamed Turkey. Makes me wonder if there is a turkey suit in the go with the cow (Lickus), chicken (Candi), and the dragon(Bleach) suits. My kids are animals! lol

So for some dumbass reason I bought a 6/49 ticket today. I never buy lottery tix, but for some reason I did, and whadya know? I won $10. Yee fucking haw! lol

Oh ya, I got told off today too. Some dumb lottery booth bitch in the mall started bitching me out because I asked her a question about Western Union. She got downright anal on me. It ended with be calling her a fucking cunt, telling her to fuck off, and me screaming across the mall at her "I'll have your fucking job bitch!". I hit customer service, and filed an official complaint with administration. Fuck that shit man. I won't deal with her midol needing attitude. The fucking cunt can take her ugly ass, and bungee jump by her neck. I hate fucking people.

Oh ya.....bought the boy his fucking yu-gi-oh cards. He seriously shit a brick over them. His friends were surrounding him, and oooohing, and ahhhhing as he looked through his new decks. Pegasus, and Joey were released, and we grabbed them today. Satan is king shit at school again.

I spoil his ass, and I really shouldn't. But I do make him work for it. He knows he got them because of how good his report card was. I think Jay and I just look for excuses to buy him shit. So $45 was spent on Satan. I also bought another Motley Crue CD for Candi. He finally got Dr.Feelgood today. Jay has them all in the UK, but these ones are Candi's copies. He shit when I gave it to him. He didn't see me buy it. It made my day, and apparently it made his too. I spoil Jays kids as bad as I spoil my own.

Awwwww.....fuck it!

I'm dead!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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