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~Fucking odd shit man!~

Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 - 12:29 AM

So I'm fucking weirded out right now.

I got a funny feeling last weds. It told me to buy a 6/49 tik for last weds, and a super 7 for tonight. So I did.

Well fuck me!

Last weds I won $10 on the 6/49 tik, and tonight I won $10 on the super 7 tik.

What fucks me up, is I don't feel an urge to buy a tik for tomorrow at all. The feeling just isn't there. Now, I have always picked up on alot of things, and I used to make my mom laugh when the phone would ring, and I would tell her who it was before she answered it. 90% of the time I was right. So, this shit doesn't shock me in any way. But the fact that it hit me this accurate,'s fucking cool.

So, Jay of course is cheering me on, and laughing about it. My mom is grumbling about it because she is a loyal lottery ticket buyer, convinced that one day she will win millions. I haven't the heart to tell her that it won't be anytime soon.

Ah! Yes! The scanner. Well, my dad was here for 3 hours today. Slipped me a bus pass, and $40. He brought over an AGFA Snapscan 600. But he didn't bring photoshop, so we have no Twain extension to run the damn thing. So my dad was burning a copy of photoshop tonight, and said that he will either bring it over tomorrow, or monday. So no worries peeps, I'm still on the go here. The scanner works on this comp, I just need the exstention. By monday I will be scanning a million pix. So if anyone wants pix of Jay and I, just send me a message either to my tag board, notes, or guestbook. All I need is an email addy.

Also, I wanted to ask my loyal readers for opinions. Jay is bugging me to give her another tri-hawk. Right now her hair is growing, and has finally got to a length where it is flopping quite nicely. No frizz, or sticking up. And damn! Is it nice to have hair to run my fingers through. But being Jay, she isn't happy unless she has a hawk. But with the hawk....even though it is a sexy thing on a chick......comes poking your eyes out, sharp hair full of glue. Glue, hair, and gel all over the bathroom sink. It's a pain in the ass.

So what does everyone think? Hawk? or no hawk?

And onto other news. We have a kid here names tails....he is just little, and wears a strand of ass wipe as a tail, and pretends to be a dog. He is cute as can be. Tracks is ok, but still freaked out by everyone, and everything. I got him moving into the boys house finally. It's time for him to leave his parents behind. Especially after all the bad shit that was done to him last night. Speaking of Tracks, he just put a pair of Jays underwear on my head. Look! I have a new hat! LOL

Today was Jonjo's birthday. She was upset because no one wished her a happy birthday. So, I took her to the store, and bought her a Slurpee, with Slurpee treats.....aka. a slush full of gummy candies. On our way back Jonjo got to see the Northern Lights. She loved them. I also got Jay to get all the kids singing to her. So, I think she had an ok birthday. By the way, according to a chat I had with J.C. a couple of days ago....Jays Alter count is 1602 with names, and 115 shards...or nameless ones. We both no that there are alot still hiding too. Oh ya! Jay also has an alter that is a tiger! Thats fucking cool.

Well, I'm gonna run so that others can update.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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