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Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 - 5:30 PM

Let me tell you a little story. I'll aid it with pix. he he

One day I turned to was about march 2002.......and I said "let's go get tattoos." So we left and got them.

I went first.......

There was an ongoing joke that all mothers have with their children, that I had with my son. So, I decided to trip him out. Of course I never plann anything, you can tell by the cheap ass fishbone on my arm......(I had $500 and the shop was about to close so I pointed at the fishbone and said "that one" then I had it. It's a true story. lol)

Now you are probably asking.....what did I get on the back of my neck????


Yes....I have eyes in the back of my head now. I can see all! LMAO! It scared my son for the longest time. But the best was last month at Reiki my practitioner was scanning over me and said "I keep getting visions of the eye of Horus". I burst out laughing and said "thats probably because it is tattooed on the back of my neck!". He nearly shit.

At any rate. When I got the tat done, Jay went right after me, and got burning dice on her forearm....

I don't have a pic of it though. We have like 3 films to develop. So we will at some point.

The guy we went to was my tattoo artists, tattoo artist. Try saying that 3x fast. My guy was busy doing a back piece that looked like a picture of hell. It was fucking cool. Buddy that did us nearly killed us. We are both scarred from it, and he was digging the needle into us so deep, we bled out alot of the ink. I was pissed, and so was Jay.

My tattoo artist on the other hand is a fucking genius. He did this....

My legs are devoted to the burning times. When I finally get my shit together, and have a good MS day, I am going in to do my left calf with a drowning scene. The above burning scene is on my right calf.

It's funny, I had to fight with the guy. The first draft of the pic was the woman naked with her nipples and clit pierced. I was like " Put a dress on her." He argued with me over it, but I eventually won. Then he shows me that she has a dress on, but her nipples are hard. I said" uh tevor? number one...she is burning so she won't be turned on....number 2, she is burning so she isn't fucking cold! Get rid of the fucking nipples!" He argued again, but eventually gave in. Thats the final piece. 2 and a half hours of sitting, a shitload of pain, and a discounted price of $120 because I met him through a gang member, and he loves me.

There you have it. Thats all 3 of my tats. Because of my MS, I am slowed down with getting more, but one day I will get pissed off and do it anyway. (Let me know if the last pic doesn't work. It might just be my fucking cheap ass comp, or the pic might be fucked. At any rate. Just let me know.)




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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