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~Basic we come!~

Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 - 11:32 PM

Things have somewhat mellowed here now. Jay is alot better today, and so is her mom. But you should have seen the look on my face when her sister Nicola called here. Nicola was given up for adoption when she was a baby. Jays rents were to young to keep her. They married when they were 16. Well, Nicola was adopted by a couple in Australia. So everytime she is mentioned we start singing "tie my kangaroo down sport!" Ya, is funny at the time though. Nicola has asked to attend the funeral with Jay because she feels left out by the rest of the family. Jay doesn't care.....she just refers to her as "joey". As always kangaroo references because of her Australian accent. It's all good.

So today Jay and I started getting stupid again. It's great to have things almost normal again. We watch t.v. and go off on stupid rants, that usually leave us crying in laughter. We amuse ourselves. There is no need for others in our world. I'm telling you though, I will never forget Jays rants om stonehenge just being some bloody nice sun blocks that some poor sod put up cause they looked nice, and how all these idiots are worshipping something that is like a garden ornament. Just get her started, and watch her go. She has her own fucked up theories on everything.

Fuck do I feel like shit. I wish this shit would fuck off already. I'm sick of spinning all the time. I hate it. It keeps triggering my MS, and making things 100x worse. blah!

Well, it's confirmed. Frankie hates Jay. My holland lop attacked her again tonight. She scared the shit out of me. She called me with a shitload of panic in her voice. I ran over to see that Frankie ripped a hole in my Exploited shirt. Jay was wearing it, and he grabbed it, and was practically flipping himself over pulling on it like a psycho bunny from hell. He won't attack me, cuz I will smack him if he tries, so he attacks Jay all the time. She was really scared that he was gonna try to rip her face off. It looks as if it is gonna have to go back to it just being me who feeds him. It seems to be safer that way.

Well, thats about it for now. I'm spinning and tired. I need sleepies. Not to mention I have to spend some time with my boys. They miss me. Austin came out earlier when I was on the phone with my mom, and all he keps sayong was "grandma....when we see grandma? I wanna give grandma a hug" It was cute. My mom loves hearing that out of them. She sees them as being as special as I do.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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The current mood of at

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