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~.....and then there was June!~

Monday, Sept. 30, 2002 - 1:10 PM

Some nights I just love having alters around.

Last night I met June. She is a 2 year old who is sharp as a knife. She was worried I wouldn't like her because she called some kids at school dumb. I laughed and told her that everyone says things like that when they were littlke, and that when I was little I said those things too. That made her happy. We were laying in bed talking. She curled up next to me, and I pet her as we had a chat about things. She told me that I make alot of things better for them all. That was nice to hear.

Then I got to hear about how she is an official member of Marcy's Clan now. I told her that was cool. I was gonna ask her to join, but she beat me to it. We just sort of mellowed a bit, and had a chat about nothing really. I like moments like that. It's just quality time with a kid. It's great. June told me that Zippy is still around, but she doesn't really like talking to people. I decided last night that I would bring zippy out of her shell today.

So after I put June to sleep last night, Austin came out for a cuddle. I apologised to him for looking like I didn't want to talk to him last night. I told him that I am still worried about Jay, and that he had bad timing everytime he came out to see me. He said he understood, and I cuddled him for awhile. Then we both started to fall asleep, so I asked for Jay so that I could go to sleep. We have a rule one sleeps next to me but Jay. After problems with people like Jonjo, J.C., and some of the others trying to claim me as their own, the rule came into affect. Any alter can say goodnight, and can spend time with me, but I only sleep next to Jay.

My poor kids. All I have been hearing from them is how they don't want to go. They don't want to leave me. They want to stay here forever. They know as well as I do that Jay has to go home for the funeral, as well as to exit the country because she is past due. But still, no one wants to part. It's hard for all of us, but I can relax a bit now. The baby raper is dead. That major threat is now gone.....and I am still planning a pissing trip in the future. I just think I'll wait a year or two. I want to see how the kids react to the reality.

June told me that Jays dad was dead, but he was still with them, and she didn't understand. I told her it was because they are living in the time frame that they were created in. She then told me that she hated being an alter, that it sucked because she wants to be real. I told her that she is real, and will always be real to me. That made her a bit happier. I told her that all of the alters are real people, they just share one body. Thats all. She just cuddled upto me closer. I worry about her. June is so gentle, and worried about everything. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

So, I am checking my stats today, and I saw a referrer from Jenn's diary. So I clicked on it. The girl updates so much that I constantly fall behind. Well I didn't even realise that she had done this entry about me. Well, shit! That made me grin! It seems I have a bit of a following within Meridian. Thats cool. Considering other than Jay and the kids, you all are about the only other people that I can stomach. So I'm giving a shout out to the whole of Meridian! Stay good you little pranksters! lol

Just one thing bugged me....A certain slight appearance of a possible crush was mentioned. I'm hoping that since being bonded Captain Seth has dropped all of that. Cause I am sure a certain male would hate to go through the hell that my baby byrd would put him through. Jay doesn't take kindly to anyone even talking to me. *sigh* She rocks! So y'all better be good! he he

Well, I better go feed Jay soon before she wastes away to nothing.....or eats all of my chocolate chip the case may be. I also want to have some time with Zippy. That girl needs someone to talk to, and I have been neglecting the lot because of all this death bullshit. It's funny you know....since the baby raper died, all I see in my head is the beastiality pix he took of himself and Jays dog. I just have that in my head when I think of him. It's like I am not allowed to remember him as a person, only a sick fuck. I dunno....maybe it will fade in time. It just bugs me.....people are crying at the loss, and I am seeing this sickness. I'm just gonna try to keep quiet about it all. Hopefully it will pass. I mean in the last year he has done alot to try to fix things with Jay. I just wish he would have aknowledged that he did wrong to her, and he would have said sorry to her for that in itself. Oh well. You can't always get what you want.

He is dead now, the pain and hell will never again be there....except in memory. Good Riddance to bad shit! On that note, I would ask something of the people who read this diary. Could you please go to Jays guestbook and leave her a little note of support. As much as I hate the baby raper. He was her dad, and she is upset. No one has said a word to her in support, and it is depressing her. Any kind words would be appreciated by us both. Laterz



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