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~Don't Panic!~

Sunday, May. 18, 2003 - 9:46 PM

It seems there are a few people tripping out over this whole diary wiping fiasco.

Here's the thing.

Jay and I have basically decided to lock up these diaries, as you may have seen, the kids are locked now. But we are going to be creating new ones. I want the kids hidden completely. I am worried for their safety, and Jays. So anything with a referance to them will be gone. Our diaries have been around since March of 2001, so there is alot of shit in there. We don't need someone stumbling across it in the next year or so, and making a quick buck off of it, or asking bad questions. We all know what kind of vultures the media can be.

In these new diaries, we will be chatting about life with the music, what we are upto...the usual fighting and bitching, and stuff of that sort. But the kids won't be mentioned. Sorry.

I am going to be making the diaries up soon, and will be transferring our templates over to them. We like them too much to trash them you see. And I didn't work my ass off on them for nothing.

So in about 3 hours Christian will have the fax I sent, and things should start moving. Jay has to sign it, and then it is done.

When the diaries are moving to the new ones, I will be sure to let you all know, so you can check up on us. No worries. You won't be left behind.

I think thats about it for now......oh ya.

Jay will be recording in Canada, it was stipulated in the contract so she could be with me. She has until Dec.2003 to complete her recording, with a tentative release date of March 2004. You will find out later what name she is going to be going by. I don't think she even knows yet. Hell, Jay isn't even her real name, it's a nickname I gave her. So we really have no idea.

It all rests in Christians hands now.

We just want to hit a studio ASAP.

So relax all....we will keep you upto date, and make sure you can find us at the new diaries.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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