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~Jaysus licking a bass~

Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 - 2:18 PM

(DISCLAIMER: Yes there is a I am not going to talk about it...unlike everyone else. It pisses me off too much, and I don't need the stress or anxiety right now.)

Fuck man....this morning was cool!

So I had some running around to do today, and we stopped in to see my buddy in the music store near me. We walked in, and he told me that he had lost my number, but had held an opening for Satan to get drum lessons. I was thrilled. So he wrote Satan in, and then Jay started looking at piks. Buddy saw her looking and told her to take some. She says "how many?" he says "I dunno...5, 10, whatever. In the end she walked out with 14.

Then she was looking around and she spotted some kick ass sticks! Black fucking drumsticks.....she fell in love with them. I walked up to buddy with them and said "looks like I have to buy her some sticks" He said ok hold on......he grabbed a sheet, wrote something on it, then said "here you go, they're taken care of. Don't worry about paying, they're free". Jay nearly shit when I handed them to her and she asked me what I paid for them. he he

Then Jay started looking at Basses, and decided to try a couple that she was interested in. So buddy hooked her up, and away she went. Slow at first, then she just said fuck it, and went off on one.

After playing for a while she started to compose.....yup, yet another song. So there she was, creating a bass line for a new song in the back of this store. On a Bass she fell in love with, on an amp cranked up. I went and go my buddy, and he sat down with an acoustic guitar, and started jamming together. Now, I think that Jenn is probably the only person out there, that can unserstand the thoughts, feelings, and excitement that was going through me as I watched Jay sitting on this stool, playing a bass, and jamming with my bud. Oh yeah.....very grrrrrrrrrrrr. *grins*

It was a blast. So we have decided on this little blue baby. The sound of it was best for what Jay plays. I have to admit was fucking cool when she down tuned, and started to play Type 0. Fuck ya! I am definately going to have to buy that bass. The sound was amazing. I also think that we might steal buddy when she hits a studio here. He sat next to her, listened to what she was playing, copied it perfectly, then started adding to it. It was fucking cool.

So, Satans first lesson is on Saturday, and we are supposed to go down, and grab a copy of buddys demo from him. He wants to give us one. He knows I manage Jay, and I have chatted with him about how to get signed. I think he might be kissing my ass because of what I know. Who cares though, Jay and Satan are benefitting from it all.

After watching her today, I couldn't help but ask myself......Why the fuck did we turn down those 3 record companies when MCA was showing interest?

Ah well! You bang your head and scream.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!