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~I live the life of a fuck up....yay~

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2002 - 2:18 PM

Welcome to my fucking world.

I have just been blasted for something an alter in Jay thought. No, that doesn't fucking hurt at all. So fine, I'll just shut up. I tried to be nice, tried to be quiet as it was what he thought, and instead it gets shouted at the world, and now everyone hates me for it. Why does everyone always hate me? I think I'm just better off being alone in my own world. I can't seem to do anything right. Toots unloaded on me, and I felt that Heather needed to know what he was talking about. Now I'm the bad guy. Fuck it! Why do I even bother being nice to anyone.

I need a bit of happiness in I will talk about Romeo. No, not the one that fell for juliet......but a new alter that came out yesterday. He is 1 and a half years old, and scared of everything. When he came out it startled me, as I knew there was a border crossing now. Well, after a few, I got it out of him. Bleach pulled him out. They have been friends forever, and Bleach wannted him to come and play. So after meeting Romeo, I talked to Bleach. Bleach said sorry, then asked if he could bring a friend out. I told him he was a little late with asking. I then asked him how long he wanted Romeo here for. He said he didn't mind. So I told him that his friend could stay until Dog comes out. So that should give him a couple of weeks of playing. I asked him if that was alright by him, and he yelled "oh god yes" and lunged at me giving me a huge hug. Then he ran off to play with Romeo. I love my boys so much. How could I say no?

So I spoke with Jay about it later on, and she said she didn't have a problem. She said Romeo was a bit lost, and scared, so he could use a good mom right now. So it has been decided, we have another itty bitty boy around the house.

I just can't help but wonder how Toots feels about all of this. The poor guy is trapped with 3 preschoolers now. I think I may have to have im out a bit more often. Just to give his head a rest.

And that.




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