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what the fuck are you talking about?

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2002 - 10:20 PM

So I sat there staring at Jay and Grant(the tattooist) wondering what planet they were on. They fussed, and fussed, and freaked over me. Apparently I had an endorphin rush and fainted. I went out just as fast as I came to. I had no idea that anything had happened. After about 15 min, I felt better than I had when I went in.

Yes, I now have a new tattoo, and a stiff neck. I shelled out to get both Jay and I done today. $200 later we both have fresh ink. It's all good.

I still don't understand the whole fainting though. I don't remember any of it. I wasn't even fucked up by it. I closed my eyes, and opened them in the same position, only Jay was on me freaking. Apparently I bashed my head too. About an hour later I found a small bump on my head.

When I told Trevor (my actual tattooist, who was too busy to do us) he laughed and said "shit happens". Everyone was amused by the fact I didn't believe them when they told me I went out. Jay was convinced I was dead....guess what, I'm not. But, I am.......radioactive. *alfred hitchcock music starts*

I suppose it serves me right though....tattooing the back of your neck when you are hungry....well, it doesn't mix. There is just something about the needle bouncing off of bone that does you in.

So, both Jay and I got done today, and both of us are in pain and wishing for, not to get high, but for the opiate as a pain killer. I don't think I will go to grant again. I can already feel that he has scarred us. He dug in too deep. I have never had to deal with pain like this after a tetty. Next time, I'm sticking to trevor.

Other than that, my head is fucked as usual. I have to put it aside now though. After my eyes rolling into the back of my head infrony of jay, the kids all think I'm dying, or I almost did. My poor little ones are scared for me. I need to fix them all, then I will go back to wallowing in my own physical and mental hell.

I just need a hug.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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