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~Health rant~

Friday, Apr. 25, 2003 - 2:17 PM

So Canada's health minister says she is going to roam around the streets of Toronto to prove that there is nothing to worry about. No need to boycott the city. Ya...ok....You know what I think would be funny? If she caught SARS. Yep, that would be funny.

I don't blame the WHO for stepping in, and warning others. It was a healthcare fucking worker that started the last eound of that shit. Why? Because the cunt didn't want to stay home. He would rather do his thing and infect half the city. Bravo asshole! Thats how responsible the city is. Geez, I wonder how it spread so much?

Nope, I don't blame the WHO at all. I sure as fuck don't want to go there. Don't even want to know the place is on the map thanks. It's bad enough I'm in the same fucking country as it.

Everyone is freaking over our economy. OH MY GOD WE'RE FUCKED! TORONTO IS BLACKLISTED! Let them freak. It's not like we had a decent economy to begin with anyway.

On a happier note.....Edmonton doctors ride again. Lets see, they figured out a possible cure for cancer, diabetes B, and now apparently diabetes A as well. Among other things. I want to know what these guys eat, and if I can get some. I could use a good old blast of brain food. Goddess knows I have shown my stupidity alot lately. *sigh*

Then there is Jay. I'm worried about her. Simp opened up and gave her a memory last night. Totally fucked her head. She seems really out of sorts now. I hate it when she gets nailed with memories, I wanna kill the cunts who did it all to her. Of course I'm one to talk. I'm bitchy as all hell due to sexual frustration. I'm just being mental the whole...I wanna be touched, but she needs to have ESP and just know. *sigh* I don't know why I get like this, but sometimes I just do. Must be my submissive side coming out again. lol

Well, I'm off to get some cash, and get some food in me. Then a lil grocery shopping, and possibly off to Soda Jerks.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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