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~Things that smell like poop~

Sunday, Apr. 27, 2003 - 11:21 AM

There are a few odd things going on rightnow.

First of all, if you look down to the left you will see the present weather. Well, 2 days ago it got up to 25, and I was roasting like a turkey. Today it is zero, and has been snowing like a motherfucker all night. Calgary got like 2 ft yesterday, now it looks like it's our turn. I looked outside and I was immediately blinded. I guess the old saying stands....If you don't like the weather...wait 5 minutes. This is just messed up. It reminds me of last years easter blizzard.

Other weirdness......We saw the Canadian Idol thingy at the mall, and realized that I did have a chance. Good goddess how some of these tone deaf people think they are good. *shakes head*. Of course I can't go anywhere without making an ass out of myself. My mom and I wandered off to find a shitter while Jay and Satan stayed back and watched. On our way back I bought chukky moo for me and pink moo for Jay. No problem. We get back an my mom runs off with Satan, so Jay and I are somewhat watching/chatting. I grab my chukky moo, and forget that I loosened the cap, I shake it........and yes, we were both covered. Even the stage had it on it. I looked down, saw the puddle at my feet, looked around, shrugged, and started drinking like nothing happened. I wiped my hands off on Jay, while she was wiping me down with her shirt. I was laughing, she was grumbling something about not being able to take me anywhere. Then a mall employee noticed, and came running with a mop. It was funny, I knocked his broom into the moo juice. He wasn't impressed. After awhile my mom came back. We showed her all of the chukky moo that was dripping down the canadian idol signs. She shook her head and laughed. Yes...I do things like this alot.

So we saw who won this canadian idol audition wristband......and both of us agree. The judges are stupid. They are either as tone deaf as half the people auditioning, or the chick blew 'em in the back room. She sucked. We were going for a chick that looked like a dyke, and sang like a black woman. ah well!

So I had another freak out last night. Jay and I went right at eachother full throttle. Jay has a cut on her neck where my nail accidently caught her. It's always by accident so I feel guilt. If I try to do something on purpose, I just make an ass out of myself because it never works. *sigh* welcome to our world. WW3 yet again. With the amount of screaming that was going on, I was expecting a visit from the cops. Never happened though. I spent a good hour talking about shit with JC and unloading alot of shit in my head.

Now what happens when the loved one of a multiple starts to seriously lose it? Well, in Jays case....a 2 yr old alter named Rimmel pops out.....and I get treated like a baby. Yes, a baby! This little guy calls me baby mummy, he keeps trying to chainge my "nappy", give me a "sucky" or my "bot bot", and last night tried to tuck me in bed. Needless to say, I am blinking alot. This kid just popped right out, and immediately took over. I can't do anything without him saying "good baby", "does baby want her bot bot?", or "does baby need sleepies?". Last night was definately a first for me. I now have a 2 yr old mother hen.

Rimmel told me that he was specifically here for me, and that all multiples have someone to take care of their loved ones. I never knew that. But if he said it.....well, he would know more than me. So I'm the baby. I feel like a kids doll I swear. Ah well, I'm just gonna give into it, chances are it's good for me, and it might help me settle mentally. That would be nice.

Did some serious grocery shopping, Jay ate like a pig....suddenly she decides. "I'm sick of this, I'm going on a diet starting tomorrow". Well, tomorrow came, and Jay said "fuck the diet, food is too good". Thats my girl. lol

Oh ya! Sat in on Satans drum lesson yesterday. That kid just blows me away, She has him doing more complex drum rolls, and all sorts of shit. He listens to her play, and copies her no problem. He just amazes me. But watching him hit the bass pedal is funny as hell. He has to throw his whole body into it for it to get loud. So there he was playing away, bouncing to get the bass drum going. Jay and I were laughing at him. Sounds evil, but the kid is 7 years old, and like 4'4", and he weighs like 60 lbs. He can fit inside the bloody bass drum! I have to admit it though. He does have me amazed with his talent. I swear that kid takes after Jay, he seems to be good at anything he does.

We had a bit of a problem on friday. Satan is doing a little play in school, and he overheard one of the girls say to another "kristian isn't good at anything in this play". It made him cry. So he tells me this. Well the girl who said this, is a little bible thumping pig. She started this "you have the devil in your head" bullshit in kindergarten. I wanna smack the shit out of her, or slap a big ol' piece of duct tape on her mouth. Satan of course came home still bothered by it, so he got a 20 min lecture from me on how much better than her he is, and how when she gets older she is gonna wind up in a dead end marriage, looking after a bunch of bratty asshole kids, with a husband who doesn't care about her, and she will be lonely and miserable. Then I told him that he will go far with his drums, team up with Jay, make kick ass music, and get famous. "everyone will love you, no one will even know she exists". That big speech made him smile. That speech is my personal opinion. He is starting at 7, I can have him working in the industry when he is in his teens. If Jay doesn't have him doing it before then.

Why do these bible thumping assholes go around hurting everyones feelings all the time?

Love thy neighbour?

More like love to make thy neighbour feel like shit.

I have a good mind to punch out her mom for that bullshit. I'll be talking to his teacher about it on Monday.

Thats about it for now. I have cereal calling my name.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!