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~Happy Halloween!~

Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002 - 10:20 PM

What a night! What a fucking kick ass night, to end a kick ass day!

I was chatting with Heather earlier today while I was doing Jay's costume. I killed my byrd. She looked great. (and yes heather, we took pix, I'll eventually get them scanned to show you) She put on my moms hatchet shirt....a gory piece bought for my brother by my dad in the late 80's, a product of the good ol' there she was in a shirt that has a latex hatchet in her chest. Then I shredded a pair of pants that she never wears...I smeared mud all over her, then smeared her in fake blood. By the time I was done it looked like she had dug herself out of a shallow grave. I finished her off with the appropriate makeup, and a few drips of blood in the proper facial good did she look? Well, after she was ready we went to Satans school to drop off the sugar cookies, and Jell-o Jigglers that I had made for his class halloween party. Right after we got there, the school did their costume parade. We sat back and watched the kids go by from a spot just inside the library....get this. As we are standing there some kids are commenting on how Jay looks, I'm joking about how thats what happens when you don't do homework in my house. Then just as the parade is coming to an end, a little girl walks past us. She took one look at Jay, froze in place, and burst into tears shaking. The teacher had to console her, and tell her it wasn't real. She was just howling. I actually almost felt bad for about 2 seconds. Then I chose to take it as a compliment on my work.

Well, we found out that Kristians pumpkin came in 3rd place. So that made us feel good. I still think the judges grab the winners at random.

So we were invited by Satans teacher to join in the halloween party. We handed out goodies, and I took a pic of Jay pouring drinks for the kids. Then we got to play games with them, and K's teacher sent us to the office with some cake for everyone. Then we went to the library with the cake too. The librarians nearly shit over it. They said that everyone always forgets them, so I said "not this year". We went back, helped clean up, then it was time for everyone to go home. It was a great afternoon. Even the shitty way I feel didn't get in the way.

So we got home from the school, and about 10 min later my mom was here to get us. We piled into her car, zipped to the old folks home my grandmother is, had her laugh her ass of at the costumes, then went to my moms. As soon as we got there I went to work. I finished off all the decorating, then relaxed for a bit before we ate. When we were done eating, I looked at the time and realised that fucknut dicksmack aka....kristians father...was late arriving, so I said fuck him, and we went out to trick or treat.

At first Jay was a little shy, but then she started to get into it. Of course Bleach and Tawwy got into it too. Man did they ever. Satan got a huge bag full of crap. Jay and the kids did as well. Satans useless dad showed up, and started saying shit about Jay trick or treating. That pissed me off. He doesn't know about the MPD, and I wasn't about to explain to him that she was doing it for her and the 2 two year olds in her. He's a fat fuck, that can go fuck himself. He almost ruined our night, but I decided not to let him. Tawwy kept asking me to get rid of "the bad man". He hates shawn, just like everyone else. The lying useless prick has fucked over too many people, I was just one that he really hurt bad.....but thats a whole different entry.

So after we had loads of candy collected......and I mean a full fucking grocery bag of candy for each of them, we went back to my moms to warm up, and mellow out. Thats when the fun started. Jay, my mom, and I hate that fat prick with a passion. He wouldn't get the point about leaving. We weren't mean because it was good for Kristian to see him. But it was sad that I had to threaten the asshole to get him to show up. He was kind enough to announce to me 2 days ago that he wouldn't be able to make it to kristians 7th birthday party on sunday. Last weekend he had told me he was keeping the day open. His excuse..."uhh I have to work until 6pm, and the buses suck on sunday" Ya ok, fuck whatever you useless lazy waste of flesh. I am utterly, and completely embarassed that I ever fucked him.

So I shit on his head, told him to get his ass to my moms place today to take his son out trick or treating. He couldn't say no.....this is how I worded it...."You could have taken the day off shawn, I mean fuck! You have only known about his birthday for the last 7 years! If you are gonna pull this shit, then get your ass to my moms, and take him out on halloween. He needs to see you, you are supposed to be his dad you know". So he showed, but he wouldn't leave. So the jokes started. I would walk past my mom and mutter comments about the door hitting him in the ass. My mom was making gestures towards him of her wanting to choke the shit out of him, and Jay did the usual.....she walks past him and mutters "prick" under her breath. I cleaned up outside, and pulled in all the decorations, and he still didn't leave. Finally we had to go because my mom works tomorrow, and after she said for the third time..."we have to go now" he left. I walked him to the door, saw him out, as soon as he turned I shut the screen door locked it, then the inside door and locked it, then I shut the blind. My mom burst out laughing and I said " you think I shut the door too quickly?" so they both say "no" together. Satan of course was oblivious to any of it. We don't slam his dad infront of him. He draws his own conclusions. Usually he gets mad at his dad, and refuses to talk to him after he tells him off. I leave him to it. Shawn is a lazy fuck up, and all he does is make his son sad. So let the boy tell him what he thinks of him, after all...the words come from Satans own head, not mine.

So finally we came here just after 9pm. I arrived home to a message from a neighbour of mine. She bought a shitload of candy, and had 5 kids show up...all of those kids were here relatives too. So I took down satan and Jay, and she gave the boy half of her candy. So tonight he made out like a thief. It was great. As soon as he gort back, he went straight to bed, and was out like a light in minutes. Jay just showered, and it is my turn next. I am gonna putz around online for a bit after I shower, then I am gonna crash. Satans wonderful school scheduled tomorrow as a P.D. day, so Satan doesn't have school. Jay and I are gonna sleep forever!

It was a damn good day! We will do the offerings that we were gonna do, but couldn't because of the fat fuck, on sunday. I'll take Jay into the ravine, and leave her offerings to her son and dad then.

Brightest Blessings this Samhain everyone! Hmmm....I was gonna go to bed but I have a few things to say to, and do for the Goddess before I can settle. Once she is thanked, and sorted, then all that will be left is the offerings. These are just a few things that make me feel whole. I'm off to do what needs to be done...



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!