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Sex....Music....and MPD.

Wednesday, Aug. 07, 2002 - 1:17 PM

It has definately been an interesting couple of days.

Jay and I are now closer than we have been in the past 2 and a half years. She has some training last night. I am teaching her complete trust. I took away her eyesight last night. It was as simple as having her lay still with something on her eyes.......not tied on, just resting over her eyes. Because of her past she was scared to death of not being able to see. But she made me proud as see, even though she was so scared that it brought her to tears, she never once reached to uncover her face. She was not bound, she was not blindfolded........but she acted as if she was, no matter what happened, and that made me very proud.

I showed her the trust by playing with her as she lay there. I showed her how when you take one sense away, it enhances the others, and things that felt nice, then felt incredible. As in the past few days, I have made her cum so hard that she started to cry. That is the ultimate in release. When it drains you physically, but also emotionally. I on the other hand, had her fuck me into a coma. She is very good at what she does. Unlike the 20 min I was used to with a guy, we were going for a good 3 hours last night. She is being taught body worship by me. In time, she will learn proper ways to serve me....but first I need to ease her into it. She is very eager, but when you mix reality into fantasy....well, it can fuck your head up. So she is being brought into the lifestyle slowly.

She is also learning patience. I was told yesterday that Trevor loved me. Atleast he though he did. I don't really have that much of an opinion on it myself. It's nothing I haven't heard before, and he treats me with such an extreme amount of disrespect, that it is disturbing. Even my worst enemies treat me with more respect than he evr has. Thats pretty bad considering he supposedly wants me oh so bad. I am anything but impressed. When I originally started to talk to him I thought he was great, but now he makes me feel like I am being lied to, and played for a sap. I don't like feeling that way. For a short period of time yesterday, I was actually convinced that he might show up. I as usual was wrong. I had even decided to play with him. Oh well, thats his loss. If he wants to treat me with not even a speck of respect, then he can just continue to jerk himself off over me. I won't do a thing to him. The funniest part of it all, was I was going to act out on him things that Jay has fantasized about seeing me do. But.....he can fuck off now. The moment passed. It's probably for the best anyway. It would have been weird.

My kids have been really good lately. The sweethearts are always drawing for me, and singing to me. They keep me incredibly happy. Having that sort of trust from a person where their alters will bond to you is something that very few people get. I used to read online about how some people were in a rewlationship with an mpd, and their spouses alters were trying to kill them. I've never had that. They attack my byrd, but never me. My cuties would never do that, and I would never treat them bad enough to bring them to that point.

There are way to many self centered people in this world.




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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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The current mood of at

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Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!