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~I feel better.....I heard from her~

Friday, Oct. 04, 2002 - 9:13 AM

I can relax a bit now.

I finally got an email from my baby, she arrived safe and about as sound as she can get on any normal day.....which if you know her.....well, you understand. I got the email to find out that she had lost the little orange bag that I TOLD HER TO PUT IN HER BACKPACK!!!!! Did I not Jay? Why yes, I do believe I told you to do it like 5 times. Naw, it was the airline that did it. She wasn't allowed to wear the 5 ft chain of mine, that she had around her waist. Fuck wallet chains man, I got her a 5 ft choker! You know you're god when........

Ya so, I finally got a call from her. It only took a week to get a package to her mom that we sent last sucks. We wanted it there before Jay got there....I could have saved $50 and just sent Jay home with it. Damn! I just remembered that we forgot that outfit for sasha....oh well. I'm babbling now.

You see, when you are used to someone being here to talk to, you babble off on a tangent anywhere that someone might hear you....or read as the case may be. It's so quiet here. It's weird. I mean Jay isn't loud, but the kids will suddenly fly up the stairs and attack me with hugs, or Jay will saunter up here to give me a kiss on the head then wander off. There is always some movement.

The almighty nibble shit is depressed. Nibbler refuses to acknowledge my existence. He is Jays rabbit, and he misses her. I open the cage and he turns his ass on me. I talk to him and he looks away. I try to pick him up, and he runs to the back of the cage. He wants nothing to do with me. Foos is dumb as toast, he could care less who you are, he just wants attention. Even Frankie is feeling my pain. He mellowed in my lap last night. He has been volatile for weeks, and last night he wanted to cuddle with me. No one can tell me that animals don't know.

So Jay calls me this morning. We chatted for only 13 min before I had to take Satan to school. While I was on the phone with her hearing the almighty saga of the lost orange bag, Satan was sittning on the floor infront of the fridge spelling words with his magnetic letters. He calls me over..."mommy I spelled fantastic the way Jay does!" So I look, and I loose it. Thats it, I was laughing...Jay asks me whats so funny, and I tell her. She says "ya ya, make funn of my accent". He spelled "FONTOSTIC" on the fridge. This from the kid who used to get a kick out of the way she said "letter"'s kinda a "leh-ah". Well shit! Picture a 5 yr old walking around saying that. It was damn funny. He had to tell everyone how she said it. He fucking loves her to death.

I miss my kids. I wonder if they are ok. I know they were scared to leave me....I hope everyone is okay. Good Goddess! I have separation anxiety for alters. Well, wonders never cease I guess.

Geez, I must be upset. This is my 4th update in the last 16 hours.

Baby come home. I miss you.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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