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Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013 - 11:32 PM

And then is was xmas.

Yay....fucking xmas.

Everyone goes around saying how they "Love this time of year" and yet they are always stressed, freaking out, and turn into total raging cunts.

Yeah. I can see that you "love" it.

You ever notice that? Ever wonder why the fuck we have to bother with a bullshit holiday that just stresses everyone out, and turns them into assholes?

I wonder that a lot.

When my son was younger his passion for the holiday was intoxicating. He drove my entire family into an odd excitement. Had everyone all wound up and happy. He's 18 now, and suddenly no one cares anymore. Not even him.

As life goes on.

So here we all sit. Stressed out, making ourselves broke, in my case....dealing with family members I can't fucking stand but must do with a fake smile on my face.

Family. I fucking wish I could choose my own.

For most of the year my Aunt has been sponging off my mom. It started with a "I just need to stay for a few weeks" and turned into....8 months now? My mom is literally supporting her 100%. I was talking to my mom the other day, and she told me that my Aunt said "I can't get a job. The buses here stop running at 6pm.


The stupid bitch is a lazy fucking retarded cunt! My mom tried to correct her, and my Aunt told her that she looked it up, and she KNOWS the buses stop at 6pm. Funny that. I see they run until midnight. I guess the fact that my son has arrived there at 9pm perhaps ha slipped her mind? That's ok, we have an actual bus schedule for the bus that goes by there. It's going to be "accidentally" left on the kitchen table when we go for xmas dinner.


So, courtesy of this stunned cunt, my mom now has no savings, her bills have gone up, she is struggling financially, AND has zero xmas spirit at all. Now, everyone who knows my mom, KNOWS she loves xmas. Her place takes her a week to decorate because she literally makes it look like the north pole threw up in there. But this year? She doesn't care. She has very minimal put out for decorations. The only reason it's out is because my son went over and basically put up the tree himself. She just doesn't care.

Gee, thanks for ruining my mom bitch. She likes to do a bit of spoiling everyone for the holiday. This year, she can't at all. It has her so just isn't right.

But alas....I will listen to my dad. He told us to bite our tongues. We all want to scream at the cunt (my Aunt) and knock her out with a baseball bat. But, my dad is the voice of reason. We will restrain ourselves and refrain from the violent tendencies she invokes in us.

I still call bullshit on that though. I want to hit her, throw her and her shit out the door, and make my mom smile again. But, it's my moms little sister. I have no say.

Well shit. I used to write in here daily. Several times a day yet. Not for years though. I kinda got distracted. Or, I'll think about it, then shrug it off.


Atleast I still read my favorites. I just creep around and see what I can find now.

Well, time to get back to that creeping. Sometimes you just have no desire to interact with the outside world. Funny how that works.

I'm out!



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