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Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013 - 6:11 AM

Some days I wish there was 13 of me.

Seriously! Why can I not have another 12 me's?

Ugh. I hate feeling trapped.

I am surrounded by so many people that want, or need me. But, here I sit. My trust issues keep me at a distance from the one I'm with. They also keep me always looking. Now, a normal person would say "Then break up and move on". Well, I just don't work that way at all.

I am loyal to a fault. I will stay with a person until they throw me away. Until they are done with me, and move on. I have been given several chances to cheat, and have fun. Thanks for the compliment boys....but I am extremely loyal, and the thought of cheating makes me sick.

So there I sit. Not entirely happy. Not sad. Not content. Not anything. I hang in a constant limbo it seems.

It probably makes me a bad person in some fucked up way. But, there is only so much a person can take before they wind up jaded and cold. I've had my fill. Limbo it is.


When I am single, I am never lonely. I am very much content to just be with me, and be alone. It's always in a relationship that I get extremely lonely.

Yeah. That makes sense. If you understand that, then I really like you. Cause a lot of people get confused by it. But I'm guessing they have never been so void of emotion, that everyone is 5 football fields away.....even when they are laying next to you.

Bah. Enough of that shit.

Think happy starting to sleeve my right arm next month. Oh the blissful burn of the gun, how I love thee.

It's time to push my limits again I think. Let's see how much I can take.

Will she take it all? Or will she tap out?

I suppose I will find out. At the very least I'd like to complete the linework. Hell, I'd be happy to just get the coverup of the craptastic P.O.S. on my forearm.

Word to the wise.....

Never be a guinea pig for a friend that is apprenticing. I guarantee you will HATE it later. That, and it will look like total shite.

I'm out!



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