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Friday, Dec. 28, 2012 - 6:10 AM

It's funny you time passes..

I was flipping through older entries of my diary, and seeing some of the crap I was put through, and turned a blind eye too. It's quite sick. But, I am happy to say, that fucked up gullible person that I used to be, is in fact no longer. (YAY!)

So, my son is 17 now. He graduates from highschool in June. You want headfuck? Yeah, it's a bit like that. But, I must have done something right. After all, he's got a plan for his future. After he graduates, he's getting a job, then is starting post secondary in September. He has real dreams. For a career, a wife eventually, and kids. He likes to remind me regularily that "Mom, you are gonna be a grandma" then he laughs at me.

I hated the thought originally, but now? Well, I'm still pierced, I have 64 hours of ink on my body, I still shave my head....I'll be the coolest grandma on the planet! HA! lol

I dunno. I'm just amazed by my boy. He makes me so proud. He trips me up every so often though. He walked into my room one day, and asked me straight out.."Mom, are you proud of me?".. well shit, I stumbled all over my words, all over my face, and dissected him enough that I think I made my point? He walked out with a stupid grin on his face, so I think I did good? How the hell would I know?

Well, he is who he is. The polar opposite of me, with my calculating mind, my loves, and sewer mouth. oops? heh

Well, I thik it's about time that I start writing in this thing again. I need the mental release. I had hit an extreme low after all the "JAY" bullshit. Finally kicked that fuck out of my life and dealt with all the shit. Been with someone for almost 5 years now...and yet again am being driven insane by their insanity. Seems to be the way of it. I've dated 4 girls in my life, and for some reason all 4 have turned out to be multiple. WTF? Had a kid tell me one day that I have a big neon sign on my forehead that says "Trustable". The question this a blessing? Or a curse? Cause I can honestly say that I have no idea what normal is supposed to be anymore. For over 12 years I have had multiples in my life. Kids are always around, and to this day are still my biggest joy. It's crazy though. As much as I like having friends, they never seem to be needed when you live with a multiple. Then again you are never with just one person. You end up with dozens of different people to hang out with.

Well, there I go...lost in thought. But yeah, I think it's time to write again. It's a great way to vent frustrations...and voice happiness. Time to unleash the demons. BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!




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