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~The PLAN!~

Friday, Mar. 13, 2009 - 3:59 AM

So, I am officially plotting WORLD DOMINATION!!!!

I figure I'm gonna do it with Tic Crack, and Dr.Pepper.

Why? Cause I'm just cool like that. LMAO!

First I'm gonna cause a severe Tic Crack addiction, but it has to be the Fresh Mint flavor, cause that hint of vanilla is just so damn GOOD! Then I'll force everyone to drink Dr.Pepper and get so wired on the caffeine and sugar that they are totally oblivious to the subliminal messages that I will feed to them all. BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Know what has me uber stoked and excited right now????

My childhood addiction is slowly returning to the states...which means it's only a matter of time before it winds up in the almighty Soviet Canuckistan!

What is that addiction you ask? Well! Let me tell you...CHERRY 7up baby!!!! *drool*

It's so yummy and pink! I was so sad when it was pulled for good back in like 1988. *sniff*

Yeah, I'm THAT old. lol

So this is what we call a completely pointless entry of babble...

Oh, and let me document this here right now.

My ex. The brit....aka "Jay" (see the first 4 years of diary entries) got busted today for drug charges and has court on Tues. LMAO!
She has the worst luck. It's a typical thing for her to do, and doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm just happy that she's no longer an integral part of my life. There is so much stress that I don't miss from that girl. Now I sit back and watch her like a rubbernecker watches a car crash play out infront of them. She's comic relief now. lol

Mean? Maybe. But life is what you make it really. I'm happy because I choose to make my life happy. She is fucked because she chooses drugs. So be it I say!

Ok, well...just a few lines here. I needs my sleepies.

I also need new pix put up in this diary. I looked today and realized that I've lost damn dear 140lbs since some of these pix. Yeesh! They sure are scary to look at. Hmm...should update my tat pix too. Ah well. One of these days, when I feel like playing with html of course.


Off I go to dream sweet dreams of WORLD DOMINATION!!!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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