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Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009 - 8:11 PM


Life is what you make it.
Life is what you do when you're waiting to die.

Do we live? Or is it purely survival?

I personally think that it's all just survival really. I mean seriously...look at the world. The diseases. The disasters. The death. Can you say that anyone is truly living?

Many say that rich ppl are living. But are they really? They can only be friends with rich ppl. Usually ones born into it like useless blonde whore Paris Hilton.

Which brings me on a completely different rant in a diff direction of where I was going.

Paris Hilton's new BFF. What the fuck????

So I watch one episode, well about 10 min of one. Watching people drool over that stupid bitch. Complement her with all this stupid shallow bullshit, and try to convince her that they are pretty and cool enough to be picked by her.

It makes me wonder about the state of the world we live in.

I myself would rather talk to some homeless guy about what brought him to that point. I'd like to know what an addict is running from. I'd rather have no friends at all, and be completely alone than have to spend 2 minutes with some spoiled rich bitch who has never worn the same pair of jeans twice.

Now there's a chat I've had with my dad. Could you imagine spending your life in stiff uncomfortable jeans? Everyone knows that they start to get really comfy after about the 10th wash. That they get broken in by wearing them, and they feel so nice once the denim forms to your body.

Who the fuck wants to not ever feel that again????

Fuck that I say!

I'd rather have worn out t-shirts, and fading jeans. I'd rather have shoes that are perfectly broken in and uber comfy. I'd rather not have the money to buy a new outfit every day, and throw out yesterdays outfit.

Do the rich actually life? a shallow way I guess they do. But, then again poor ppl don't really live either. They life with stress, pain, and depression.

No one in this world seems to be happy with what they have. I know I am happy to a certain degree, but have dreams for a future that is unlike my present. But, my dreams are about where I live. Thats about it.

I'm sure that if a person took a good look at me, m y health, my past, my non future they'd assume that I'd have alot to bitch about.

Personally.....I'd rather bitch about all the stupid ppl in this world. Cause honestly....there are alot of them out there. lol

Naw, life is what you make it. But, it is also more survival than living.

Don't ask me where this came from...cause I have no idea. It just sort of popped out.

I'm done!



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