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~Busy little one~

Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 - 9:59 PM


Yeah, don't really write anymore.

Let's sum everything up shall we?

Kris came back. Andrea was dating me at the time. Andrea decided it would be cute to start playing with Kris and getting her off. I got disgusted. She blew me off the next day, and yeah. Kris is still here.

It seems that the back and forth shit was her and the kids. The kids took her from me. They wanted to party, so they took over and did so. I saw her hand in hand with another. It didn't seem like her at the time. Turns out that was Tommy with the girl. Lovely. Kris didn't realize that the kids could do that. As soon as she realized she forced a few integrations, and then Jenny proved to be the main protector, and she in turn forced everyone else in. Jenny is my "daughter" you see. lol

After everyone was in and the house was empty, I told enny to lower the walls around the house, and let whatever was outside in. She had a few doberman in there that I gave her. They took out one guy, and then another guy walked in and the dogs took him out. The integration was forced by the dogs killing them. When all was said and done a small boy was found. Seems he was being tortured by the 2 men. He flew out at me crying, and just kept saying he wanted to go home. That was pretty much all he knew how to say.

So, now we have 2. Jenny who is 4, and Stevie who is 1 and a half. Jenny says she came out of my bellybutton, and stevie came out of my elbow. lol

Kris likes having these 2 around. The house is a virtual zoo. Christ, since Kris came back they have recieved dogs, kangaroo, koalas, canada geese, ducks, baby wildcats of all sorts, penguins, and that all adds to the millions of monkeys and skunks that were already there. Busy house much? lol

Kris had candy all over the house for halloween, I got a drawing that all 3 of them did for my birthday, and everyone is excited about xmas now. It's gonna be fun.

Other than that. The brit(Jay) sent me a letter. I recieved it yesterday. I've been pretty headfucked since I read it. She is going on about apologizing for how she left me. And is going on about missing me and shit. After 5 years of her bullshit, lies, and me helping with her kids she just walked out of my life in an instant. Now she apologizes. Almost 3 years later. Too little too late? I dunno. I'll have to see where I want to go with this.

Kris and the kids freaked out really bad when the letter came. They went into a blind panic that I was gonna leave them. Nope, not anytime soon. She's in another country, and I won't go there again. I hate long distance relationships. That and the pain is still there from when she left. I just don't want any of it right now.

I have too many other things to worry about. She just isn't one that I want to worry about right now. Kris and her crazy monkey obsessions are more important.

Well, that's enough.

I'm off!



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