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Monday, Apr. 16, 2007 - 3:01 PM

Fuck man, I need to think here.

I met a guy today that is questioning his gender. He wants a domme to help him explore this. He's a nice guy. I kinda like him. Now I am pondering....

Do I want to take on a male submissive? I mean it has been quite a while since I was in the scene. Do I want back into it? I mean, I tried getting out of it, but everytime I try to leave, it won't let me. I end up meeting alot of interesting people that want to play with me. Fuck I need my gear back. Looks like I need to start spending on it again. Fuck!

Then there is Lainie. She's happily married, but needs a woman to play with. Fuck essentially. He is aware of it, and supports her. She wants no strings attached, just friends with benefits. Likes to recieve, just not give. I like to give but not recieve. So we are rather compatible. She's also a sexy brunette. So that works too.

I'm waiting to see what happens. She wants to meet up with me "really soon" as she says. Eventually from what she is saying, her husband would like to watch. She says he is trying to learn something. lol

I told her that I would give him a play by play, and that I'd actually teach him to fuck her like I do. She was shocked. Like I care. I'm not here to ruin a relationship. But if I can make one better, then I will. I'm cool like that. lol

Well, when the girls left last night I was threatened. "I'm out of school after this week, so I'll have more time, and you live close to me". I think I just found myself a new group of friends. lol

Gee, do peo[ple like me? Or is it just the fact that I got her in with Trev? lol

Probably both.

I made like 5 ppl happy doing that. lol

So yeah, lesbians, married women, and male submissives.

Boy my life is getting interesting. lol



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~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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