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~I'm dumb~

Thursday, Apr. 05, 2007 - 8:27 AM

So, I have managed to prove my stupidity once again.

I was out all day yesterday, of course that means I didn't eat or drink...cause I'm dumb...and now my body is a bit fucked. Of course I do believe the pills may have alot to do with it too.

I'm trying to remember back about 5-6 years ago when I was on them last. What side effects did I suffer from? I have no idea. All I know is I'm a bit fushnickered. lol

The anxiety has kicked in about tomorrow...or the excitement. I have no idea which. All I know is that I'm packing everything tonight, and my mom is driving me down tomorrow.

I'm charging up my iPod, hopping a bus, and gonna relax in a small town. Actually, I've been telling everyone that I'm gonna go get shot by a redneck in a small town. lol

Today I'm gonna eat, and face the consequences if there are any, then I'll be good to go.

I need to pack. Pack what is a good question. Fuck am I excited.

I haven't been on a greyhound in years. I can't believe I'm actually going somewhere. Amber is usually a homebody that goes nowhere at all. But, I need a break from the city.

I need to pick up my shots today, then pack my travel box for them. Get all my shit together, and get ready. I'll be chewing at the bit tomorrow. I'll be ready way before I need to be, then I'll go mental in anticipation.

This is actually making me happy. Not much does these days, but this trip is. I miss the freedom of the road. I wanted to leave at midnight tonight, but I got yelled at "Are you fucking crazy? I'm not picking you up at 4am!" lol

And there was no way in hell I was gonna be on a bus at 6am. lol So, I'll be out in the afternoon.

Tomorrow night I'll be hanging with my fucking brother man. I'll be meeting his woman, seeing Peanut, and Gizzy again, and breathing in country air.

I was originally going out to get high in the woods, but the meds I am on have kinda put me off pot. I dunno. I guess I'm almost scared to get high while on them. Then again, they kill the pain more than pot does anyway.

Oh shit!

Must remember ipod charger, shots, and cream.

I have had an itch to travel for the last 2 months. I dunno, something clicked in my head. Now I want to go to places I have never been before. And hey! I get to see what Whitecourt looks like! lol

Never thought I'd be able to say that. lol

Well, time to get started, there is much to do.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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