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~Fucking ppl!~

Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2007 - 8:09 AM

Well, I'm impressed.

I was woken up at 7:45am by a fucking text message.

"April just walked right past me and didn't recognize me"

Do I look like I really give a fuck? Especially at 7:45am???

I didn't bother replying. I didn't want to explain that April hates her. Frankly, lately I haven't been able to stand her. I have her blocked on MSN cause I am tired of her bullshit bitching, and whining. Her false sense of friendship. She's one of those people who will talk to you when she has a problem, but if you try to talk to her she will just walk away from her comp, or ignore that yu said something....or my favorite....just log off without saying anything.

I just need a break from her and her bullshit. She pisses me off too much.

Confused as to who I am talking about yet? Well, she was straight, then went gay, and is now technically straight again.'s Patti. I just can't deal with her lately. She doesn't need to know what is going on in my life, and sure as fuck isn't gonna be told anything so that she has gossip material. I'm just done with all that.

For some reason I have backed off of alot of ppl lately, and refuse to talk about my life anymore. The only person I talk to anymore is Ashlee. But, she is very genuine. She has my trust. I pour my heart out to her, and she cares. She always seems to get upset because she wants to help me but she can't. She doesn't realize that she is helping me just by listening. That helps a shitload in my books.

So, courtesy of Patti waking me up with a blast of anxiety, I'm wide awake now. What a shitty day it's gonna be. I have so much to do, and minimal sleep.

Oh sure isn't the first time.

So, I weighed myself at my mom's on Monday. In my 2 weeks of barely eating I lost 15lbs. Pretty damn good if you ask me. I lost my apetite again, so I'm wondering what I'll lose this time. I'm forcing myself to choke down food....but only enough to keep me alive really. I just have no interest right now. Give it a few days an I should be back to normal again. I seem to go through phases.

Well, I should have an ok weekend coming up. Ashlee doesn't work, and is determined to be hanging out here. She wants to sleep over one night sometime. Says we can have a slumber party?? Wants to do pop and chips, and watch movies. Christ, I haven't done that in years. Could be interesting to say the least. She also has this thing with wanting to inject me. lol

Well, she did do all her nursing training, and knows how to do it. Not that it's hard or anything. But, I don't know. I'll have to think about that one. She seems to have some fucked up obsession with needles lately. Her cousin is in the hospital, and has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She told him she'll give him his insulin when she can, and is all excited about it. lol

Crazy girl. lol

Fuck do I feel yucky today. I might have to try lying down again. Waking up with anxiety always fucks with me. Now I'm all shaky and messed up. It doesn't help that my bowels are screaming at me either. Blah.

Well, I'm gonna go find something to do, or lay down.



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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The current mood of at

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