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~Just another day~

Monday, Mar. 19, 2007 - 10:48 AM

I got up this morning and couldn't keep my eyes open. Saw Satan off to school, and went right back to bed.

Then I was woken up by a phone call from my Boo. That set my mood for the entire day. I'm in a better mood than I have been in the last week and a half. I miss her alot, but right now I don't have as big of a knot in my stomach. I'm pretty ok today.

Last night was interesting. First of all, Kris asked me to be her girl again. I honestly am starting to believe she has had enough. lol It's nice. I was very lost without her. I didn't know what to do with myself. I don't like going through life single. I like the feeling of being owned by someone. I like how my attitude backs off and I relax. I don't feel defiant anymore. Just relaxed. It took her long enough! Sheesh! lol

There is no one in the world I would rather be with. Crazy how that simple question last night gave me a sense of security and happiness. This last week and a bit has been hell. If I can avoid that feeling again I will. I need her and love her. But, if she runs again, it will be over for good. I have no idea how I haven't wound up with an MS Attack off of this. Maybe it's cause part of me is used to ppl leaving me? I don't know. But, I do know that I seriously need to sort myself out now. This has taken an extreme toll on my body. I'm still not eating properly. I need to weigh myself soon I think.

Now for the most interesting part of last night.

I was talking to a friend on MSN last night. You know, the usual thing. And then came the inevitable....

"So, you say you're a Domme?"

I pissed myself laughing.

Well, the conversation started with "Can you give us any advice?" and turned into "If you ever want a sub or a slave, I'd love to be dominated by you." LMFAO!

Good then.

A submissive has found me yet again, and wants to bow down to me. I was non-committal, and aloof about it. I pretty much left the question hanging, and didn't acknowledge it. Especially since the question hit 15 min after Kris asked me to be her girl again. My first thought was "What would Kris think about this?" So, I didn't say much other than. "I'll think about it". Which is the universal phrase meaning 'I don't have a nice way to let you down right now'. Knowing Kris she'd get pissed off. lol

So, that was the weird moment of my week. I was quite flattered by it. But, I haven't been that into BDSM for years. This chick is more into being a slave than a sub....which is always a good thing. Slaves are fun, they clean and run errands for you. They pretty much do everything that you don't want to, and they get off on doing it. I dunno. Maybe one day. I could see us sitting back watching a movie and relaxing, cuddling on the couch together, while a naked girl is cleaning the place around us. Having Kris there would add the extra humiliation to it all.

I don't know though. I don't think I want to have that life again. I made sure this girl knew that sex isn't an option in a dom/sub relationship. And that a sub is beneath me so they aren't allowed clothing, but will also never see an inch of my flesh.

Why did this come up? Because it's what she wants and needs, and she isn't getting it at home because her gf lacks self esteem. I told her that she needed to be bound, gagged, and have a good sound lashing and spanking to fix her. She laughed and said with her gf that wasn't enough. I told her that was because she lacked the attitude, and self assurance. When you have the attitude, that cold remorseless attitude, it adds a sense of fear.

I kinda left her to it. I'm not one to fuck with a relationship anymore. She offered herself to me without talking to her gf first. Men do that all the time, but women I feel shouldn't. I dunno. It's just a weird thing in my head.

Good thing I said nothing when she was originally asking to crash on my couch for a few days. They are living with her gf's sister, and she is being driven nuts by her. Her gf suggested she find a place to crash for a few days to have a break from the sister. I'm not one to bring in ppl I don't know very well....unless I'm sleeping with them. I also would never bring anyone in here when my son is here.

To be honest my first thought was "I don't think Kris would like that at all". Even when we still weren't together, I was thinking about her. I must be really attached to her. I usually don't care and do what I want. I'd just feel better having Kris here if I was gonna let someone take over my couch. So, who knows? She invited me to go to the peelers with her and her gf next weekend. I told her no promises, it depends on what I am up to. In other words, if my boo is here, and if she wanted to go with me. I always wanted to take her to the peelers. And hey, this chick has a car. lol

So yeah.

It's been quite interesting lately. Crazy ppl have been coming out of the woodwork. And it all started as soon as my Nex profile went to "single".

I think next time I end up single, I'm just gonna say I'm married on there. lol

I think that would be much safer. lol



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The current mood of at

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