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~It's a......Alien?~

Thursday, Mar. 15, 2007 - 2:47 PM

So, my mindset has completely changed.

I'm hardcore overprotective right now. The girl isn't even knocked up yet, but my mind wants to treat her like she is. I'm all determined to remove all stressed from her life, and to take care of her completely. Food, foot rubs, the whole nine yards.

I wrote off April because she is a stresser. I will not have her around upsetting my girl when she's preg. Will never happen. I've even made a decision that if my dad has a problem with this, I am going to write him off again. Just like I did when I was preg with Satan. I know better than anyone the frame of mind that my girl is in right now. The feeling she has inside. The craving to have a reason to straighten out, and settle down.

I am behind her 150%. No one will upset her, talk to her with anything but a pleasant tone, or criticize her for her choices. She will be shielded from any negativity. Well, except for mine, but she can just slap me. lol

No, this is gonna be done properly. We need to get a car. That's going to become a priority. That and moving into our own place. I think that once we pay everything off, we'll get a place, a car, and get her preg. I'd like to have it all done now. But we need to be smart about it. I want to be in a situation where she is preg by the end of the year. So, this is now my goal. I have a purpose now, and try to fucking stop me in making it happen.

I want this more than anything right now. I keep daydreaming about having a little one around to drive me nuts. lol

If we set it up so she is working at home, it will be alot easier on her through her pregnancy. She'll be able to work up until she pops. Then Maternity leave, and she starts up again. If she gets a little bored she can cut the leave shorter. I'll just watch the little one, and keep her quiet and occupied while mom is doing her thing upstairs in her office.

This entire thing will be so fucking amazing. And eventually we'll be able to buy our own house, and then we'll be able to settle into a real life together with the kids. Satan sees her as dad, so I think I should be dad too. lol

But, I'll leave it upto the little one. She'll call me whatever she wants to. As long as it isn't "asshole" I'll listen. lol

Now, for the first step. How the hell do I convince her to move back home, so we can get all her bills paid off, and get this show on the road? I suppose she will do what she wants to, I'll just go crazy wishing we were together. I'm tired of laying in bed at night wishing I could hold her as I fall asleep. Be patient Amber. It will come again. I just hope it's more sooner, than later.

Well, there you go. We can do this, and we will. Now that she brought it up, and got me excited, she has no choice but to do it dammit! lol

Fuck I love her to death.

She's amazing!



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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