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Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007 - 7:17 PM

You have absolutely no idea how guilty a 4 yr old alter can make you feel.

"But mummieeeee, I'm hungwieeee!"


Jenny is so fucking cute. I just can't seem to say no to her. She looks at me over a huge pink stuffed gorilla, and what the hell can I do? I just cave. lol

So, here I sit just figuring out what to do for dinner, and there she is looking as pitiful as she possibly can, just waiting on the edge of her seat to hear what she should be drawing on the whiteboard to let the others know what's for dinner. So I tell her, and I get...

"You promise?"


Damn she's so fucking cute.

It seems that yet again I have created food addicts in my place. My girl is getting a bit of a belly, and my son just cooks his own usually. He can't be bothered to eat what we do for some odd reason.

Well, tonight I made a decision. On March 1st, or soon after, we are all going out together, and My girl and Satan are getting ice skates. Satan wants to learn how to skate, and eventually wants to get into hockey, and my girl spent 6 years in figure skating, and has played hockey too. So, she is going to teach him how to skate. I figure what the hell.. they can go to the local rec centre and skate, work out in the weight room, or swim. Satan gets in for free, and my girl buys blocks of visits.

"Mom..why don't she have hair?"

"because she doesn't like hair so she takes it off"

"Why? what's wrong with it? I have it on my head! She has it on her heat too. And you have it too!" What's wrong with it?"

God I love Jenny. lol

Anyways, so they are gonna be working out together from now on. Satan is excited, my girl is annoyed at me for not telling her that her visits mean weight room usage too.

And then the rant comes....

A friend of mine is dating someone who is now officially an FTM. Fine and dandy. They are avoiding telling "his" parents, and the kids. Reality will hit when they see the shrink in charge of transitioning approval, and he forces the subject of coming out to everyone first. They are gonna tell the kids once the kids notice that mom's gf is becoming a boy. Yeah ok.

My son understood transsexuals, and gender reassignment surgey when he was about 7? He could comprehend it because he was so young. By the time these kids are informed of what is going on, they are gonna get scarred for life.

Fuck people are stupid!

My girl and I are throwing our arms up and looking the other way. We are so pissed off at them, that we choose to ignore the entire ordeal. They have already fucked up the kids, and now are mainlining to kill.

Thank fuck that isn't my family. Then again I have never elbowed my son and screamed "Get off me" in a fucking restaraunt thanks. *sigh*

I see drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and crime in their future. Poor kids.

Anyway, I better wrap this up, I need to feed a starving Jenny. lol

(as I snicker in self righteousness over the fact that I have my girl sucked into a book right now. he he)

Off I get!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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