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~Momentary lapse of life~

Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 - 10:05 AM

Fuck me did we have an amazing weekend.

There is nothing more rewarding, and relaxing then intimacy and horror flicks. Even when your girl is exhausted and dying on you.

Poor Kris.

Kris pulled a dumb. For one I'm a night owl. It's just what I am. I stay up late and do my thing until I pass out. I sleep for a few hours, get up with Satan, and then go back to bed for a couple more. Simple as.

But Kris...she gets up at 6:25am every morning..regardless of when she goes to bed. She tries to stay up with me, and it drives me nuts. Yeah I love spending time with her, but a person her age can't live off of 5-6 hours a night....every night. It wears you out man. And guess what happened to her? No shit!

So, a sleeping she will go...even if I have to knock her out cold. lol

Well, I can honestly say that she knows me better, and I am closer to her than anyone else in my life. Kris got hit with a memory that shook her to her foundations completely. It destroyed her, and any trust she had in anyone or anything.
We were talking last night and came to the conclusion that we are on the exact same level now. We love eachother, but are incapable of any form of deep trust. Which is an interesting notion considering I trust her now more than I think I have trusted anyone. Why? Because she understands me. She knows exactly where I am at, and how it feels. She understands how she used to pressure me, and why I couldn't give her what she wanted. She has backed off considerably, and that has oddly enough brought us closer. We both have the exact same trust issues now. It sucks, but at the same time it's great. She just knows ME.

So, these are the things that we discovered this weekend, between the intimacy.

She is so perfect. He looks, her personality, she makes me look dumb because she is so intelligent(rawr!) and to top it all off, she understands me now.

I may have to marry this girl one day. Kids and all. It almost scares me to think what tomorrow will bring. Every day I see something else in her that almost brings me to my knees.

I am so glad I bought her that ring in Dec. I look at it and remember the tears right after I bought it. Tears because at that moment in time, I knew she was the one, and that for once in my life I was happy. Truly happy. Without volatility, anger, or violence. With someone who I can curl up with and laugh myself stupid.

Someone who depends on me, but takes care of me. Someone who says "I love you" and I can believe it.

It's amazing.

She's amazing.

Everything about her is my life now.

Everyone I have ever been with has prepared me for the next. For some reason I feel as if this is the end of the line. The crazy thing about it is that...

I actually hope it is.



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The current mood of at

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