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~bitch bitch bitch~

Thursday, Jan. 25, 2007 - 1:25 PM

I am sick to fucking death of being the person that people come running to when they have no one else. LIke I'm the last fucking resort. Fuck you!

Every fucking person I have been with has abused me, and has fucked me over. Then called me abusive, and lied about everything. They leave me because "They can find someone better" then they always realise they can't and try to come back. Fuck off!

The question of the day is.....

If I am as abusive as everyone claims I am...then why have 2 mpd/did systems trusted me enough to reveal themselves to me, and make me the one to put them back together?

One I can's a fluke right? But 2??? What is the probability of that? A very very very small one I bet.

"Because's simple. You have an air of safety around you."

I have a what? On what planet? Everyone says I'm abusive. How the hell can systems find me that safe and trustworthy if I am some psycho abusive bitch?

Could it be that I am not? That I am hated by people because they can't handle the fact that I might have been the most caring person they were with?

I admit that I am a bitch. I admit that I can be a not very nice person. I admit that my tongue is sharp. But how many times have I been hit where I just sat there and took it? How many times have I been walked on? How many times have I been degraded by someone who in the next breath says "I love you"?

If I am the abusive fuck that I am accused of being, Then I never would have gained the trust that I 2 people.

I'm a rarity. I can say I have been loved by thousands....and I'm not famous.

I'm not abusive.

Angry? yes.
Bitter? yes.
Mean at times? yes.
Overprotective? yes.
Mental? yes.

But abusive? It takes 2 ppl to fight. I don't start them. But, I will finish them if I have to.

I don't create mpd/did I just work to fix it.

I make sure ppl go to the dr when they need it. I restrain them when they freak out to try to stop them from hurting themselves. And, I hold them at night to keep the bad things away, and help them sleep.

If that is abusive...then I am guilty as charged.

It's easy to lie about a person to someone who doesn't know the one you are talking about.

Fuck it!

I'm done!

I've had enough of this shit!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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