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~Beyond fucking wasted~

Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006 - 12:05 AM

Fuck am I tired.
Fuck does my head hurt.
Fuck am I bitchy.
Fuck I hate this.

Here's a quick sum up of what I've been up to....just the interesting bits anyway.

Last Saturday we went out to the local lesbian bar. Angie came over, and we went to meet Tracy there. When we got there a chick approached Kris. "Hey! Weren't you in my training class?". Another bus driver. lol

So, what started as normal, got crazy.

First of all, we walked into a fundraiser/pride show. Left with a couple of shirts, and a pride flag(that is now on my bedroom wall). I bought a calendar that is Drag Queens doing old school pin up models. Quite interesting that is. Gotta love the transgendered.

It was at the end of the show that Tracy came in, then after we met Jaime and ang, and a friend of theirs. Pool was played, tats were discussed, and craziness ensued. lol

It was a blast. We came home early....after Kris saw my mom and son on tv. They were at the hockey game that night, while we were at the bar. It was all good. The Oil won....they won again tonight too. lol 2-1 over Calgary. Fucking nice. We win the battle of alberta yet again. lol


Then came last night. Kris and I went to see Theory of a Deadman, and Three Days Grace. Idle Sons and Mobile opened for them.

Idle Sons was good, Mobile was better, TOD kicked serious fucking ass, and 3dg was a total let down.

TOD had exquisite stage presence, and involved the crowd in everything. They commanded the whole sold out arena.
3DG came in, played their music, and left. They were so blah that the crowd was walking out before they even left the stage. They were done the last song, and no one even bothered with an encore, they just left.

All in all it was a good show...except I couldn't enjoy the last of the show. 2 songs into 3DG I got blasted in the head with someones bottle of water. It cracked me like a fucking baseball bat. I had an immediate welt, and bruising. Kris took a look today, and head is purple where I got hit.
I got pissed off, looked behind me, and all it was was about a dozen people who were drunk as fuck. Fuck knows who did it, and if they even realized that they did.
So, I spent the rest of 3DG with a splitting headache, and wishing I could go home. How lovely for me. But, before that happened we were calling Kris' friend Donnie. He was jealous that we were there, so I called him up to share. He kept hanging up on us. lol

When we finally made it to bed, I died so hard that I was completely unaware of Kris falling everywhere in the morning. lol

There you go. That's the last couple of good days.

Angie gave me hair dye for my birfingday. My mommy gave me neat witch shit, and a dvd. And my dad is taking me to BP's on Thursday, and next Sunday is dinner at my mom's with my brother and sister in law.

I can't believe I'm gonna be 31 on Thursday. Fuck I feel old! Then again, my son is 11. How the hell did that happen????

Ah well.

I am nowhwre near where I thought I would be by now. Once upon a time I thought I would be married. Now I'm just bitter and jaded. Although my old age is making me show an interest in gay pride. wtf? That uisn't me at all.

Perhaps that is all Kris? My dad approves of her, everyone loves her...and me? Well, the jury is still out on that one. The age gap gets me sometimes, and the distance is bad. Not physical distance...emotional. I'm still quite unable to get close to her. I want to, but my guard is up, and holding strong.

One day...hopefully...I'll be able to offer her what she deserves.

I'm just tired of being a piece of shit. But, I fear I'll always be one.


Midlife crisis? again?

Fuck it!

I need sleep!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!