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Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006 - 10:53 AM

I completely cleaned and rearranged my room yesterday. I didn't even realize I was working on it for 6 hours...but I was, and I completed it. There's so much room in here now I could take up rollerskating. lol

Well, in my cleaning, and trashing of papers, I found the paper that I had all of the passwords to my ex's alters diaries. I went into them all, and regenerated them all so they could be read.

Kris stood behind me and was reading a few entries....she was amazed. She commented on how she could see the bond between us, and how she know can see that they are in hiding.

I told her that it was a world I loved, and can't even fathom anymore. I told her that when I talk to her I know it's her, but with my ex....I got used to not talking to her. Atleast I knew who I was talking to. I knew a new alter was coming before my ex did. I could feel it.

I told her about some of the physical changes, the fits, the stress. And I told her I loved every minute of it. I still miss them all, and still wish they were in my life. Their host might be long gone, but I wish they weren't. Ah well.

It was nice being able to share this with her. She sees all the notes and drawings that I am still finding hidden in this place. She kinda shakes her head at it, because it's everywhere.

It's crazy how I cried over those kids for like a year and a half. I literally went through mourning over their loss. I'll never forget them though, and will always cherish the memories they left me with.

I just hope they are ok. I also hope that one day one of them might call me. Maybe 10 years down the road... who knows. It would be a welcome call though.

Well, that's enough of historical thoughts for now. It's time to go back to living in the present.

Mmmmm...there's cold pizza in the fridge. Yummy!

I'm off to eat!!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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