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~irritable newfie syndrome~

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006 - 11:15 PM

So yeah...

I got a text out of nowhere from April today.

"I've lost weight"
"I need your help"
"I need to see you"
"Kris is cheating on you"

Uh....say what?

Kris? Cheating on me?

How interesting that one is. Apparently Kris has a nex id, and is talking to an ex gf.

Might I point something out here?

First of all...Kris and I are inseperable. The only time we have been apart is when she was in Drayton at her parents place. Did I mention that her parents don't have a computer, and therefore have no internet access?

How about this......Kris ditched all of her online accounts, and even tossed her msn. She has an email address that I set up for her, just to say she has one, and she doesn't even use it. He has no desire to go online, or deal with peoples bullshit.

Or what about...the ex she is accused of talking to treated her like shit, claims to be a lesbian, but hates oral sex...both giving and the sex was all fingers and boring. Oh! Not to mention Kris was ignored, bored, and cheated on this girl because she wasn't happy with her at all. So yeah....would never happen.

Why would she leave someone who loves her pussy, for someone who apparently doesn't like pussy at all?

I have to give it to April...she tried. She tried hard too. But, she doesn't know us at all. She doesn't know how close and tight we are, how honest we are, or how open we are with eachother. She tried to play on paranoias I had once upon a time...but it didn't work because I don't have them anymore. If Kris was planning on cheating on me, or leaving me, then she wouldn't have brought her snowboard(her baby) here to my place. She also wouldn't have a joint account with me, and she wouldn't have stood up to her mom, and got through to her mom that I am good for her.
No, she would have left all her important shit with her parents, and would have a diff account for her paycheques to go into.

No, it was a good try. But my boo is a hermit, and is stuck to me like a fly on fly paper. She has no plans to go anywhere, isn't immature, and is actually devoted to me.

Stupid fucking newfie thought she could fuck with my relationship.

I'm seriously getting fed up with this. I fell for nothing, gave up no info, told her that I want nowt to do with her, and after threatening to go down and kick her ass...and a few "fuck off!"s... she finally took the hint, and fucked off.

I don't hear from her for weeks, and she pops up to start this shit. Geez...I wonder why I got rid of her in the first place.

Stupid bitch.

My boo doesn't play games, and likes grandma cunt. She doesn't plan to leave this grandma anytime soon.

Like I could ever be outsmarted by a newfie.

Hell hasn't frozen over yet honey. Try again next month.

I'm fuck my girl......something I never did to April.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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